Chance the Rapper to give away 30,000 backpacks at Bud Billiken Parade

The Bud Billiken Parade is a major part of every Chicago summer. Once a year, one of the busiest streets that stretches across the city’s South Side is shut down for 16 blocks for the largest Black parade in the country.
Everyone from current, former and future presidents, celebrities, and athletes have attended the parade, and a privileged few have been granted the honor of being Grand Marshal. This year, the honor has been passed on to hometown hero, Chance the Rapper.
As Grand Marshall, Chance will play a major role in what goes on in this year’s parade, and he’s not taking the responsibility lightly. The South Side rapper has announced he’ll be giving away 30,000 backpacks this year. Finding out what’s in them will have to wait until the day of.
“We do have a big announcement on parade day,” parade spokeswoman Kristal Davis told DNA Info. “Whatever he has planned on Saturday, the giveaway’s related to that.”
Whatever Chance has in store should be exciting to say he least.
The Bud Billiken Parade will start at 39th and Martin Luther King Drive at 10 a.m. on August 12th and finish on 55th street.