As the debate over making America’s schools safer rages on, a popular “solution” has been to bring more police officer into the schools.

Of course, lost in this conversation has been the voices of young people.

Colorlines traveled to Los Angeles, and spoke with a variety of young people of color about such a policy, and what they think should be done to make their schools safer.


Lost in the din have been the voices of young people who’ve felt the impact of previous security initiatives like these. While most school-based mass shootings happen in middle-class or white neighborhoods, reactive zero-tolerance policies have increased the amount of contact that kids of color in already over-policed neighborhoods have with law enforcement.

So we headed out to high schools and community centers in black and brown neighborhoods of Los Angeles to ask kids directly: Would more police and guns make your school safer?

Check out a video of the results of their conversation below:


As this debate continues, it is imperative that the voices and perspectives of our youth be central to that conversation.

Thoughts on the perspectives of these young people?

Do you think more officers in schools would make them safer?

Sound off below!