Tennessee state rep Stacey Campfield introduced a bill that would make welfare benefits contingent upon the grades of a recipient’s children.

An indivudual currently receiving government assistance via. the state’s TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) program would see a loss of benefits if their child did poorly in school.

Campfield believes his bill is the best way to hold parents accountable for their child’s education.

From the Huffington Post:

In a blog addressing his proposal, Campfield calls his bill a measure to “break the cycle of poverty.” According to Campfield, education is a “three legged stool” comprised of schools, teachers and parents. He claims the state has adequately held the first two legs of the school accountable, but argues that it should apply more pressure on the third.

“The third leg of the stool (probably the most important leg) is the parents,” Campfield writes. “We have done little to hold them accountable for their child’s performance. What my bill would do is put some responsibility on parents for their child’s performance.”

Read more at the HuffingtonPost.com

Sounds pretty heartless and unfair. What do you think?


Thoughts on Campfield’s plan?

Is it fair to take welfare benefits away from people in need because of the poor academic performance of their children?

Sound off below!