Take a look at your G-Shock—yup it’s about that time. I don’t know if it’s because it’s my first year in college or what, but Valentine’s Day is a pretty big deal to me. No it’s not a sucker’s holiday, and no it should not substitute yearly or monthly efforts at relationships. You have to give the calendar credit for giving us a formal holiday to focus on love though. We may not get a day off, but the teacher, unless he/she is bitter, understands why roses sit on your desk. Every February the 14th the sky reflects red from the buildings that host special events to accent your evening cleared for simply romance. When the entire province buzzes with heart-throbbing valentines, it’s a bit easier to stand still long enough to express the value of your relationship to your special somebody. All my squinting anti-materialist will be happy to know that expression is not bound to purchases of cards and candy, but depends on creativity. With that being said and Valentine’s Day coming up on Monday, what have you got planned for your Hip-Hop-head loveable? Talking in gobbley-gooks right now? Don’t fret, Keantré is holding you down, because I myself am a Hip Hop head and have been through many relationships.

For the artistic lover captured by the unique kid with big headphones, combine your craft with what you know about your other’s fascination with Hip Hop. If you draw, then draw. Back in high school, a friend of mine had a girlfriend that drew an ipod with the song “You Got Me” (thee 90’s backpack love song along with “You’re All I Need”) playing, and stuffed it in his locker; I almost died when I found out about it. Something simple packed with so much intimacy with the other’s soul does the job. Maybe you play an instrument, try to cover your lover’s “when I fell in love with Hip Hop” song. You get the point: cater your craft to something that reveals the chemistry you share with your head-nodding boo.


For the pragmatic lover intrigued by the kid with a black sketchbook, plan a makeshift evening. Okay so you’re not in tune with the right side of the brain, but you can plan things in advance—no worries. Monday night might be a movie night, so pop in Wild Style, and engage the romance of Zoro and Rose. Perhaps you want to get fancy, ride the train (ha! Irony) to a restaurant, but on a line that passes by good graffiti pieces.

These projects will work on any day, but Valentine’s Day is not a bad day to use. All that us Hip Hop heads want is a little thought. Any intersection of Hip Hop and love is worth the experience of big grins and hand elevations. So folks get to thinking. Steal these ideas if you please. After the 14th, let me know how it went in the comment box. Happy Valentine’s Day.