Mykwain Gainey’s Loo$e Change
On occasion, I like most people dream of meeting famous black people you know the Halle Berry(s)

Photo Taken by Mykwain Gainey
and Denzel Washington(s) of the world. However, the likelihood of Oprah knocking on my door screaming at the top of her Ms. Sophia’s lungs, “You are one of my favorite things and I want you to meet my mentor, Maya Angelou,” is highly unlikely. And so I wonder what it would be like to meet a black star. Oh wait; I’ve met a black star (yes, I sound pretty corny right now, but we all have our days). His name is Mykwain Gainey. You probably are scratching your head trying to figure out who is Mykwain Gainey. You’re probably wondering, “Was he in Denzel Washington’s The Great Debaters? Is he a reality TV star?” and the answer is no to both. Okay, so Mykwain Gainey technically is not a “bonafide” star yet, but his short films about being young and black are eventually going to skyrocket him into movie directing stardom.
Mykwain is a graduate of Morehouse College and is currently a film student at Columbia College in New York. He has directed and produced several amazing short films including the one I will premier today, “Loo$e Change.” After watching Loo$e Change I found myself thinking critically about young black men and the pressure to enact “appropriate” masculine behaviors. I know I usually don’t talk about black men per se when I blog, but Mykwain is a good friend and his short film Loo$e Change caught my attention because of the cinematography and the emphasis on black youth. Please click the link below to watch the short film and leave a comment about the film.
I really enjoyed the film. I checked out some of his other stuff too. I’m happy you’re highlighting young talent.
I really enjoyed the film. I checked out some of his other stuff too. I’m happy you’re highlighting young talent.