NY Housing Authority Demanding Rent UPFRONT from Sandy Victims
The election may have caused many to forget about Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath.
Some of those living on the east coast and still recovering from the disaster got an especially cruel reminder, though.
The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) announced that it will not only be charging tenants rent, but that the rent is expected to be paid on time, even though many residents are still without power two weeks after the city shut it off due to the hurricane:
Adding insult to injury, NYCHA is still expecting tenants who have gone over two weeks without basic services to continue paying their rent on time and in full, an expectation made all the more unfair by the fact that many residents were temporarily out of work because of the storm.NYCHA residents will eventually be receiving a rent credit, however the city will not be granting them until early January. While visiting the Red Hook Houses and speaking to a line of tenants waiting for Red Cross blankets, NYCHA Chairman John Rhea dropped this insensitive nugget: “Hang in there. You’re going to get a rent credit. It’s a nice little Christmas present.”
Read more at Jezebel.
This is an atrocity. If the New York City Marathon can be canceled, surely public pressure regarding this issue can compel an about face by NYCHA.
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