Snap Card

According to a new report from the CBPP, one million people will lose SNAP benefits before the end of 2016.

Many states will be returning to the three-month limit for those 18-50 that are able-bodied and not raising children, regardless of how  much they look for work. Many states have suspended the three-month clause due to high unemployment. Now that the clause will be returning, many people will fall through the cracks.

In the report, Ed Bolen says, “The loss of this food assistance, which averages approximately $150 to $200 per person per month for this group, will likely cause serious hardship among many.  Agriculture Department (USDA) data show that the individuals subject to the three-month limit have average monthly income of approximately 19 percent of the poverty line, and they typically qualify for no other income support. ”

Read more at CBPP