Police charge anti-fascist protesters who were stabbed at white nationalist rally but protect the neo-Nazis

National Alliance Neo-Nazi Rally . Union Station . Massachusetts Avenue PC: Elvert Barnes via Flickr
According to the Guardian, California police indicted eight anti-fascist protesters who were violently attacked at a 2016 white nationalist rally. However, law enforcement have not charged anyone for the attacks against the anti-fascists.In 2016, white nationalist groups such as the Golden State Skinheads and the Traditionalist Workers party organized a neo-Nazi rally in Sacramento, California. Anti-fascist counter protesters showed up to “shut down neo-Nazis.” One of their lead organizers, Yvette Felarca said, “The Nazis are dangerous, and that’s why we need to take them on directly. Take them on head-on.”
The rally ended with some people having multiple wounds. According to court filings from civil rights attorneys, California police have not only refused to charge white supremacist for the stabbing of anti-fascist protesters, but have proposed to over 500 criminal charges to 100 anti-fascist protesters.
Police have only charged the white supremacists with five lesser crimes, all unrelated to the stabbings. At least three anti-fascist protesters were charged with serious assault and rioting. Police reports reveal that law officers searched some of their social media history and cited their “extreme” left wing views as cause for potential prison time.
Many are accusing California police of shielding right wing extremists and white nationalists from scrutiny, citing the disproportionate violence against left-wing organizers, activists, and anti-racist protesters.
While both prosecutors and police deny a right-wing bias, the Guardian revealed many communications between police and right-wing groups and examples of them seemingly working together to target and arrest anti-fascist organizers.