Roxane Gay Pulls Book After Publisher Gives Deal To “Alt-Right” Leader

Roxane Gay has one of the most noteworthy writers and authors in today’s market. She’s received critical acclaim for both her non-fiction works, such as her Bad Feminist essay collection, and her fiction, which included An Untamed State that’s currently being turned into a film adaptation. She’s also Marvel Comic’s first ever Black, female writer.
If all of this wasn’t enough to confirm that she’s incredible, she recently took a grand stand against the “alt-right” movement.
Gay’s next book was meant to be released by TED Books, which is an imprint of Simon & Schuster. But Gay found out that the publisher recently signed a deal with Milo Yiannopoulous, a known leader of the radical “alt-right” movement.
She then decided to pull her book as to not support a publisher that would support someone like Yiannopoulous.
Read her full statement below, via Buzzfeed News:
When the announcement about Milo’s book first came out, I was relieved because I thought I didn’t have a book with Simon & Schuster and tweeted something to that effect. Then I remembered my TED Book and that TED is an imprint of Simon & Schuster. I was supposed to turn the book in this month and I kept thinking about how egregious it is to give someone like Milo a platform for his blunt, inelegant hate and provocation. I just couldn’t bring myself to turn the book in. My editor emailed me last week and I kept staring at that email in my inbox and finally over the weekend I asked my agent to pull the book.
Though TED Books and Threshold are vastly different imprints, they both reside within Simon & Schuster and so I guess I’m putting my money where my mouth is. And to be clear, this isn’t about censorship. Milo has every right to say what he wants to say, however distasteful I and many others find it to be. He doesn’t have a right to have a book published by a major publisher but he has, in some bizarre twist of fate, been afforded that privilege. So be it. I’m not interested in doing business with a publisher willing to grant him that privilege. I am also fortunate enough to be in a position to make this decision. I recognize that other writers aren’t and understand that completely.
The editor of TED Books is Michelle Quint. I don’t think Michelle is an employee of Simon & Schuster. She works for TED. She is, from my experience thus far, smart, kind, patient, and committed to putting good books into the world.
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