The 2016 Olympics Belonged To Two Black Women Named Simone

Give it about a year, tops. The most popular name for newborn girls, especially magical black girls, will be Simone. Screenshot this as proof. Yesterday (Aug. 11) will be remembered as the day that Simones ruled the world with their superb athletic ability for the entire world to see.
Simone Biles, 19, cemented her place as the best gymnast in the world – and quite possibly, of all-time – after winning gold in the Women’s Individual All-Around event. For the past three years, she’d been the unbeaten world champion and she didn’t even come close to falling from her top standing on the Olympic stage in Rio.
Simone Manuel, 20, became the first black woman to ever medal in an individual swimming event as she tied for 1st and brought home gold in the Women’s 100M Freestyle. Her initial reaction after seeing she won will long be remembered, as well as the tears she let out in the following moments that likely inspired tears in many others.
It was a wonderful and historic day for black women and should honestly become a international – not just a national – holiday for them. We all know they deserve so much more.
Perhaps the best thing about the victories is that the young women are fully aware of their significance.
“This medal is not just for me,” Manuel said immediately after the race. “It’s for some of the African-Americans that have came before me and have been inspirations and mentors to me. And it’s for all the people after me, who believe they can’t do it… And I just want to be an inspiration to others—that you can do it.”
Coincidentally enough, both Simones are from Houston and around the same age. In a perfect world, they’ll become best friends and get a TV show called “Black Gold Magic” or something so that we can get even more inspiration from the pair.
Photo Credit: Twitter