
What if we treated every little girl of color like we treat Ms. Blue Ivy Carter? What would the world be like if everyone in the world waited with breath held for every little girl of color Spirit to divinely make their grand entree into this world because as Jay Z so methodically rapped in Glory, they are, “Destiny’s Child?” What would the world be like if every father, husband, brother, uncle, nephew, and son made a verbal, but, most importantly, a soul abiding commitment to banishing the shrieking vows and consonants that congeal the five letter word for female dog? What would happen if they did this?

What would happen if every person in the world devoutly and fundamentalist-ly believed that girls of color had a profound purpose? Would they seek as Joseph Mbeh sought with Ms. Blue Ivy Carter’s name to trademark all little girls of color names saying to themselves in the way men often say to themselves about woman-kind, “Let us own them, let us make them ours for we know the brilliancy of their minds.”

What would the world be like?

What would happen if every new doting father like Jay Z snarled at the idea that fatherhood meant only being a provider absent of daily care work?  Really, what would the world be like?

What would the world be like if non-vocalizing baby girls of color could persuade men through their incessant wails that fiercely rapping about “raping and pillaging villages” as monsters is a sign of a fallen and soulless man? What would happen if every baby girl of color’s conception like Ms. Blue Ivy Carter’s conception was announced with celebration in front of millions of people globally during the 2011 VMAs instead of being seen as a bad omen by the village or by the family? Really, how healthy would every little girl of color be if they’re parents like Jay Z and Beyonce could afford to rent an entire hospital floor to ensure a safe delivery?

What would the world be like?

What would the world be like if all infant girls of color like Ms. Blue Ivy Carter had a website that tracked everything ever written on them because their lives where that important and that valuable.

What would the world be like?


Perhaps, if all girls of color could experience a modicum of what Ms. Blue Ivy Carter’s life is and will be then perhaps there would be no need for The Girl Effect videos because there would be no child brides knowing that each girl of color was “Destiny’s child.” Perhaps, there would be no female infant suicides because everyone in the world would see them as they see Ms. Blue Ivy Carter destined for greatness. Perhaps, there would be no need for condoms with teeth because girls of color like Blue are revered as non-objects. Perhaps, there would be no need for shows and blogs that chronicle the lives of missing black girl children because they like Ms. Blue Ivy Carter are equally loved and protected. Perhaps.

Really, what would the world be like if all black girls were treated like Ms. Blue Ivy Carter? I tell you, it would be an amazing world to live in.