Activists push for equality with ‘Voters Bill of Rights’ in Ohio
Civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton visited Cincinnati Thursday to push for equal rights for voters in Ohio.
Sharpton led the Ohio Voters Bill of Rights petition drive at Word of Deliverance Family Life Center in Forest Park.
He [was] joined by State Rep. Alicia Reece, D-Bond Hill, and Bishop Bobby Hilton for a “Call to Action Rally” pushing for adding a Voters’ Bill of Rights to the Ohio Constitution.
Reece, who heads the Ohio Legislative Black Caucus, is leading the effort. The bill would preserve a 35-day early voting period with extended early voting hours and would allow voters to cast a ballot anywhere in the correct county. The bill would also move toward allowing voters to register online.
The bill needs more than 385,000 signatures by July 2 in order for the petition to move forward, and would guarantee citizens the right to vote by writing it into the Constitution.
Several states have been charged with enacting unfair laws, specifically voter ID laws that prohibit minorities from being able to vote. A recent study released by Dartmouth University revealed that recent changes to North Carolina’s voter ID laws disproportionately affect black voters.
Thoughts on the fact that we actually need a rally to advocate for equal rights in 2014?
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