Black Girls Code turns down $125K donation from Uber

Uber is doing what it can to pull out of a PR tailspin in connection to multiple reports of discrimination, sexual harassment and other major offenses. One way it’s doing so is by donating to a variety of diverse organizations such as Girls Who Code and hiring Eric Holder to keep the ship in line.
However, not everyone is down for letting Uber use them for a good headline.
Black Girls Code, which is an organization that works to inspire Black girls’ interest in the tech industry, is one of them. The organizations founder, Kimberly Bryant, turned down a $125,000 donation from the ride sharing company.
“My decision is layered,” Bryant told TechCrunch. “I’ve been quite open for some time about the fact that we as an org use Uber as a tool. We’re also headquartered in the city [Oakland] where they have planned to move. So I’ve been open to the notion that they can transform themselves. Yet their past history and ‘political’ nature of maneuvering is and was troubling.”
She added that it’s concerning how the company hasn’t done much for residents in nearby Oakland and said it “seems a bit tone-deaf to really addressing real change in how they are moving towards both inclusion and equity. It appears to be more PR driven than actually focused on real change. So we turned it down.”
Photo via Flickr
To Each & All, Especially Black Girls Code organization founder, Kimberly Bryant – And to Las Vegas Review-Journal Columnist Wayne Root who “I opine” is a “Closet Racist and Neo-Nazi and White Supremacist Supporter!” Everything is Connected – Quantum Physics. More about Root in the Future and how it’s connected to the goals and Philosophy of the Black Girls Code organization.
I state in Advance to the Great City of Las Vegas and the Top, Largest Newspaper in Nevada – The Review-Journal {I’ve been a Review-Journal Loyal Subscriber/Reader for over 17 Years!} : Every Day Root “Remains” a Review-Journal columnist he “Disgraces” the Review-Journal and is instigating Black, White, et. al. Violence against one another that will: 1) Bring Killings to Las Vegas; 2) Loss money to Las Vegas Hotels and Casinos; including in Macau (China). Again: Everything is Connected! 3) I postulate Root will be a factor in Increasing Crime in Las Vegas – Because, he brings out the Worst in both Whites and Blacks, and Others! 4) I further postulate: Las Vegas Already a Target City for terrorists (Verify it with Law Enforcement officials in Washington) will become more so because of “Wayne Root’s Hate – Review-Journal Column of Divisiveness” which Explicitly a/o Implicitly a/o “defacto” 1) Is Anti-Black, Anti-African American, Anti-American, Supports Nazism, Supports White Supremacy, Supports Alt-Right, and not only Supports Racism but Advocates It!
Meaning, Columnist Wayne Root, if he was a Person of Integrity – would “Immediately” resign from the Review-Journal! That’s the Honorable recourse. If he refuses – my position: Wayne Root who I contend is a Closet Racist – Should be Immediately dismissed by the Great Review-Journal!
I praise you BGC Founder Bryant – You’re Number One! The following I say in you Honor!
Born of Woman, Born of Man
There’s none Greater than Black Girls Code Founder Kimberly Bryant
In All of America Land!
In particular Black Youth Project Subscribers, Readers, et. al. let us pay Particular Attention to Founder Bryant’s following words:
“Black Girls Code, which is an organization that works to inspire Black girls’ interest in the tech industry, founder, Kimberly Bryant, turned down a $125,000 donation from the ride sharing company (Uber).”
“My decision is layered,” Bryant told TechCrunch. “I’ve been quite open for some time about the fact that we as an org use Uber as a tool. We’re also headquartered in the city [Oakland] where they have planned to move. So I’ve been open to the notion that they can transform themselves. Yet their past history and ‘political’ nature of maneuvering is and was troubling.”
She added that it’s concerning how the company hasn’t done much for residents in nearby Oakland and said it “seems a bit tone-deaf to really addressing real change in how they are moving towards both inclusion and equity. It appears to be more PR driven than actually focused on real change. So we turned it down.”
I add:
1. Uber’s doation offer of $125,000 to you Founder Bryant and the Black Girls Code organization is an “Insult!” As a minimum the Donation should be a Million Dollars from a Multi-Million Dollar Corporation as Uber – Plus 10 College/University scholarships each year for Life for BGC – Plus you being named an Uber Board Member or the Similar (e.g. Director of Diversity. Justice requests no Less! If Uber fails to negotiate with you on the preceding then – align with Occupy Wall Street members and Others, and Boycott and Shut Uber Down! What Uber and Others should realize: 1) The below “Righteous Four” don’t believe in Compromising on “Matters of Principle!” 2) Henceforth there is a Money Price to pay for Racism and not Treating African Americans with Full Equality!
Black America, White, Hispanic, Asian, et. al. Allies and Supporters – Black Students across our Great American country and your Allies – Occupy Wall Street Movement, et. al. there is:
A New Emerging Black – NEB!
An Arising New African American – ANAA!
A New Manifesting Black College & University Student – NMBC&US!
A New White, Hispanic, Asian & Others Allies & Supporters – NWHA&OA&S!
I’m Confident the above “Righteous Four” will Defeat Racism in our Great Country of America! Civil Rights Leader, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Dreamt of an Integrated, United America and “Promised Land!” Therefore, Let us All, each make it a Reality! Word perpendicular, Four-Square Straight!
I Opine/state: Review-Journal ‘Closet Racist,’ Nazi Supporter Wayne Root, Resign Today!
Clyde Dinkins
North Las Vegas
U. S. Air Force Veteran (I held a Secret Clearance)
Senior Citizen – Government Retiree
African American
Offianistic Singularitarian