Black Student Recorded Teacher Who Said Her Only Purpose Was to “Have Sex and Children”

So much for a “happy” International Women’s Day.
A student at Green County High School in Georgia broke down in tears during an interview after restating what her teacher said to her in front of her entire classroom.
Shaniaya Hunter, was recording her lessons on her iPad in December when she said that she asked her teacher a question, who became immediately upset. According to Hunter’s story, the teacher called her “dumb” and said that Hunter’s only purpose was “to have sex and children.”
Those comments were recorded on the school-adminstered iPad.
The teacher said, according to the recording, “I have been around 37 years, and clearly, you are the dumbest girl I have ever met. … You know what your purpose is going to be? To have sex and have children because you ain’t never gonna be smart.”
“It really hurt me inside,” Shaniaya told the news station. “I don’t think it’s OK. I don’t think he should be here.”
Her mom, Cathy Wright, reported the incident to the school district, but was not satisfied with the response. She does not know if the teacher was ever disciplined, but knows that he still teaches at the school.
The attorney for the case, Ben Windham, took it pro bono after hearing about the incident.
“This man does not need to be teaching young children. It’s not a gray area. End of story,” Windham said.
Wright has made it very clear that this fight is not over.
“We’re gonna fight. We’re gonna keep fighting until it’s over,” she said. “It’s not over yet.”
The law doesn’t allow for a harsh enough punishment for the damage done to the future by this kind of “teacher”.
He can’t be gone soon enough.
A kid steals his teacher’s cell phone, digs through her images and shares a picture and the TEACHER gets fired. This man talks to his student like this and is still teaching. WTH?
You’re being really kind calling this man a teacher. He’s not a teacher in any sense of the word, so there truly is no category that he fits in. So the laws don’t allow for any harsh punishment tor this so-called teacher. If it was my call to make, he would have been terminated as quickly as I could sign my name on his dismissal papers. And then I would make sure that his license would be revoked permanently, making sure that he never steps foot in a classroom ever again for any reason whatsoever. Case closed. How dare he humiliate this young lady.