
The family of a San Antonio college student who was fatally shot by campus police is demand answers to questions surrounding his death. 23-year-old Cameron Redus was driving home from a night of celebrating when he was shot five times by campus police officer, Cpl. Chris Carter on Dec. 7.

Carter said Redus attacked him and refused to back down. His family is having a hard time believing that narrative.

From Associated Press:

More than 500 of Redus’ family and friends gathered Thursday in his hometown of Baytown to remember him at a memorial service. Many are demanding answers to questions surrounding Redus’ death, including how the unarmed student could have supposedly pushed around an officer twice his size and why the officer felt it necessary to fire six rounds at Redus.

“Our family does not believe the officer’s report. Cameron has never been an aggressive or confrontational person,” Redus’ family said in a statement.

Read more at Associated Press

According to Carter’s account, he saw Redus driving erratically around 2 a.m. and followed him back to his apartment complex. The two struggled after Redus resisted arrest. The confrontation lasted a little over six minutes, with Carter saying he instructed Redus to place his hands behind his back 14 times, informed him three times he was under arrest and stop resisting 56 times.

Carter told investigators that he warned Redus to stop or he would shoot, which he did when Redus charged at him with his arm raised as if to strike the officer. Investigators plan to look into Carter’s work history.

Thoughts on the incident?

Could Officer Carter have handled the situation differently?

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