Last month we told you about the 500 Campaign, an anti-violence social media campaign started by Chicago native Bryant Cross.

Cross receives self-portraits from social media users and adds the caption “Angry Because Over 500 Youth Were Murdered in Chicago.” The campaign has since spread like wildfire, receiving support from a decidedly unlikely source; controversial teen rapper Chief Keef. 

An associate of Keef’s had a 500 Campaign photo made for the rapper. Cross posted the picture online, and immediately received heavy criticism for allowing him to participate in the campiagn given his violent lyrics.

From NBC Chicago:

Cross decided to take the picture down, but a day later decided to re-post it, along with an explanation of why he decided it needs to be there.

“Chief Keef and brothers like him are the ones we should be engaging,” Cross told “If you can’t look at a photo and not be hostile — there’s no hope. We have to be able to engage everyone, not just the people we like.”

Cross says he doesn’t feel like the picture mocks his movement, rather “strengthens” it.

Cross is reportedly hoping to take his campaign off-line with an anti-violence rally on June 10th.



Do you think it’s inappropriate for Chief Keef to participate in anti-violence campaign?

Does his involvement strengthen the movement?

Sound off below!