It’s safe to say that Hillary Clinton is in a close enough race for the presidency that she can’t really afford to dismiss potential voters – unless her aim is to steal some away from the sideshow taking place on the other side of party lines. But that’s not what you’d think her goal was after video surfaced of her recent confrontation with a voter.

Clinton was in Minnesota on Tuesday when a young black woman approached her with questions about past racially insensitive remarks (read: referring to young black people as “super predators”) and about the lack of diversity among elected officials.

After a back and forth exchange between the two, and after Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton failed to diffuse the spiraling situation, While this message may seem harmless out of context, one must be reminded that Clinton, who would probably be considered fairly liberal in most elections, is caught in between Bernie Sanders on one side and Donald Trump on the other. Using this kind of condescending tone while speaking to a young black woman may damage Clinton’s current lead among black voters.

Unfortunately, this incident comes just a few days after a video of rapper Killer Mike endorsing Sanders for his treatment for young black voters surfaced, which showed that Clinton repeatedly mishandles these kinds of situations.

Watch the interaction below.


Photo Source: Twitter