Even the Middle Schoolers In Wake County N.C. Are Racist

Once again, the Wake County Public School System is being called out for the racism displayed by its students. The first incident came after a Black student was initially suspended for 10 days after responding to months of racist verbal assault. The latest incident involves three eighth graders.
Three students from Leesville Road Middle School in North Carolina were subject to disciplinary action after a video quickly spread of them spreading racist language, according to The News & Observer.
“Go back to the fields of Alabama,” one student says in the video. “Go back to the factories in Mississippi. You don’t deserve freedom.”
The school’s principal, Cindy Kreme, left voicemail messages on the phones of parents after being notified of the video on Wednesday morning.
“Here at Leesville Road Middle School, the expectation is that we adhere to high standards for all students,” Kremer said. “This video violates those standards, and its messages will not be condoned in our school.”
RELATED: High School Students Rally Around Black Teen Suspended After Reacting To Racist Taunts
Wake County school officials are reportedly working to figure out how to combat the racism that’s already infected their students at young ages after two highly public instances.
“It’s disturbing,” Lisa Luten, a Wake County Schools spokeswoman said. “It’s concerning, and it’s something we’re having conversations about, whether a larger action needs to be taken.”
Someone once asked me what ever happened to the proud, public racists that used to picket with signs that read “Go back to Africa” and “We won’t go to school with negroes.” I can assure you their racism didn’t just melt away when the Civil Rights Movement concluded.
It’s much more likely that they just went home, yelled racial slurs at the television and dinner table and passed their racism down to however many of their children and grandchildren were willing to listen. That seems to be the problem that Wake County is dealing with. A deep-rooted racism that was once confined to the home seeping out into the real world.
Remember, racism is taught.