If your dick could talk…
It would probably tell you that John Mayer’s dick is one smart peen. Of course, our genitals don’t talk nor do they think, but ahem, have you seen the STD rates in the black community? We all make decisions about who we sleep with. Sometimes it is based on race, on size, on stature, and sometimes we blame it on the alcohol. Some of our decisions are not so thought out and some are rather intentional. When’s the last time you had sex with a homeless person?
I know I’m going to get killed for this post, but why is it racist when people don’t want to sleep with black folk, but sophisticated nationalism and community preservation when black folks stick to their own? Beyond that, why do black people take so much offense when people don’t want to have sex with them and then get mad when they are only seen as sex objects. Is there a safe middle ground? A one to one ratio on hip hop video hos and Michelle Obama-J. Crew imagery?
Tiger Woods (yes, him again) got nailed to a cross for cheating on his wife, but he got set on fire for not skipping out on the white wife for a sista. Something tells me folks would overlook infidelity if it fell in favor of black women. Had Tiger Woods been hopping from bed to bed with black women, I’m sure there would have been some backlash (in the sex object corner of course), but there would have certainly been a bit of praise and a few headlines reading, “Welcome Home, Tiger” or “Once you go black…”
Eugenics, or the act of selective breeding, is something practiced by all animals. In some species, like the peacock, it is based on the brightness of tail feathers and in our culture it is often rooted in skin color and hair grade. Just a little wave to the hair please! Why do you think folks are always adopting Ethiopian babies as opposed to Senegalese children. Be honest. We have our light-skinned brotha phases and then we fade back to black. And perhaps we all have a bit of Benetton (United Colors, by the way) in our hearts as well. Last time I checked, FUBU (for us, by us) went out of business.
So why are we all so bent out of shape by John Mayer? If anything, he’s telling a truth that based on my last stroll in Union Square doesn’t just apply to his cock alone. Seems like more than a few brotha-peens have made the same decision. Sadly, John Mayer said a few things that often reflect the thoughts of many. To his credit, he blamed his dick and even suggested he start using his heart and dating sisters. That’s kinda sweet if you ask me. Honestly, if we looked at the person in our beds, we’d probably more than likely find out our genitals are bigots as well. But unlike Mayer’s, they can’t talk, so they haven’t told us just yet.
Wow, I have never seen it from that point of view. It was challenging to hear it from a different angle but definitely made me re-think my initial thoughts of John Mayer’s comments. I have great respect for his music and have a personal friend whose husband plays for him. What would people think if someone like Will.I.AM. or another black single musician said that about white women…hmmmmm wouldn’t that be interesting.
Wow, I have never seen it from that point of view. It was challenging to hear it from a different angle but definitely made me re-think my initial thoughts of John Mayer’s comments. I have great respect for his music and have a personal friend whose husband plays for him. What would people think if someone like Will.I.AM. or another black single musician said that about white women…hmmmmm wouldn’t that be interesting.
My,sentiments exactly. I wasn’t offended by his comments because he kept it real. He was dumb for saying it publicly, though. As an artist, he shouldn’t leave any of his fans feeling rejected.
My,sentiments exactly. I wasn’t offended by his comments because he kept it real. He was dumb for saying it publicly, though. As an artist, he shouldn’t leave any of his fans feeling rejected.
Really…someone is actually offended John Mayer doesn’t want to sleep with them? Really? His comment was more awkward than anything. Some things you feel/think, you keep to yourself, or your friends, or in some very special talking cock moments, you make absolutely certain you are not talking to a reporter.
Really…someone is actually offended John Mayer doesn’t want to sleep with them? Really? His comment was more awkward than anything. Some things you feel/think, you keep to yourself, or your friends, or in some very special talking cock moments, you make absolutely certain you are not talking to a reporter.
Interesting blog, I think there is always an issue when the majority wants to maintain the majority…but not the other way around. And actually most people don’t object when white celebrity women talk about how they only like dating/sleeping with black guys (kendra, khloe kardashian). I think generally our culture is sensitive to the idea of whites excluding blacks or any other minority, and it’s not like its unwarranted.
However, stepping away from the blog, I am actually surprised that you didn’t address the other “sound bites”from his interview. I’m curious to hear what you think about his response to the interviewer suggesting he had “hood pass”.
Interesting blog, I think there is always an issue when the majority wants to maintain the majority…but not the other way around. And actually most people don’t object when white celebrity women talk about how they only like dating/sleeping with black guys (kendra, khloe kardashian). I think generally our culture is sensitive to the idea of whites excluding blacks or any other minority, and it’s not like its unwarranted.
However, stepping away from the blog, I am actually surprised that you didn’t address the other “sound bites”from his interview. I’m curious to hear what you think about his response to the interviewer suggesting he had “hood pass”.
i agree with your point about blacks not wanting to be excluded. we want to be appreciated which is why the continued racialization of black men and their big d#$! is allowed.
i actually didn’t take much offense to anything he said, although i do see how it could be offensive. as for the hood pass comment, i simply took him to mean that if he really had a “hood pass” he could call it a “nigga pass” because he’d be able to use the word nigga. but he doesn’t.
beyond that, the word nigga is such a basic trigger word and doesn’t really signify racism the same way a pimp photo of obama does. besides, black people and white people talk about being able to code switch and blend with mixed company. im sure at some point you’ve called someone white–a black person because you felt they were culturally hip. heard it before. and im sure mayer’s band and some of his hip hop homies have called him a nigga before.
i agree with your point about blacks not wanting to be excluded. we want to be appreciated which is why the continued racialization of black men and their big d#$! is allowed.
i actually didn’t take much offense to anything he said, although i do see how it could be offensive. as for the hood pass comment, i simply took him to mean that if he really had a “hood pass” he could call it a “nigga pass” because he’d be able to use the word nigga. but he doesn’t.
beyond that, the word nigga is such a basic trigger word and doesn’t really signify racism the same way a pimp photo of obama does. besides, black people and white people talk about being able to code switch and blend with mixed company. im sure at some point you’ve called someone white–a black person because you felt they were culturally hip. heard it before. and im sure mayer’s band and some of his hip hop homies have called him a nigga before.
Once u go black u never go back!!
Once u go black u never go back!!
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Respect for this post, I will add up this internet site to my rss feeds, my roommate just recounted me about this as of recent. gracias
Just thought i’d comment and say neat theme, did you code it yourself? Lookswonderful.
Just thought i’d comment and say neat theme, did you code it yourself? Lookswonderful.
haha, if MY dick could talk..
haha, if MY dick could talk..