Marissa Alexander DENIED New Trial; Still Faces 20 Years in Prison for ‘Standing Her Ground’
According to Loop 21, abused Florida wife and mother Marissa Alexander has been denied a new trial, and thus still faces 20 years in prison.
As we reported to you last month, Alexander stood her ground against an abusive husband, firing a gun into the ceiling to scare him away. While the “Stand Your Ground” law initially allowed George Zimmerman to go free after shooting Trayvon Martin, it did not protect Marissa Alexander. Marissa has been charged with three counts of aggravated assault with no intent to harm, and faces 20 years in prison.
Judge James Daniel has set Alexander’s sentencing hearing for next Friday.
“Angie Nixon of Florida New Majority was in the courtroom as Daniel delivered his decision.
‘I couldn’t even see Marissa,’ Nixon told Loop 21 by phone. ‘There was so many people in front of me. The crowd kinda let out a gasp and people were shaking their heads. Some people started crying. People were visibly upset.’
Nixon said Alexander’s mother and sister both appeared to have tears in their eyes. A good number of people remained at the courthouse after Daniel’s decision, she said.”
Does Marissa Alexander deserve 20 years in prison for her actions?
Why didn’t the “Stand Your Ground” law protect her?
Sound off below!