Obama releases statement on passing of Robin Williams, but stays mum about Michael Brown death despite White House petition
Less than three hours after the death of actor/comedian Robin Williams, President Obama issued a warm tribute to the legendary entertainer.
“Robin Williams was an airman, a doctor, a genie, a nanny, a president, a professor, a bangarang Peter Pan, and everything in between,” the statement read.
As touching as that is for the millions who mourn the star’s untimely death, those who are outraged over the death of an unarmed black teen in Ferguson, Missouri noted that the President has been mum regarding Michael Brown.
From International Business Times:
For the last two days, Brown’s supporters have been calling on the president to issue a statement condemning the 18-year-old’s killing, which sparked a wave of unrest and looting in Ferguson, Missouri, on Sunday, amid a viral social media campaign calling for justice. Brown, a recent high school graduate, was scheduled to begin college on Monday. Although many details surrounding his death are still unknown, police confirmed that he was unarmed when he was shot and killed during an altercation on the streets of Ferguson.
Read more at International Business Times
Brown’s killing followed two other incidents of black men being killed by police. Sunday, supporters of Brown launched a White House petition demanding that Obama issue a statement on all three killings and insist that Congress take action.
While making brief remarks about new developments in Iraq late Monday, many hoped he would take time to weigh in on Brown’s death. But the president did not address the incident or happenings.
Many took Obama’s diversion from Brown’s death as a frustrating way to continue the silence that exist when the lives of people of color are at stake.
Black lives matter, even if the president of the United States does not acknowledge them.
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