President Obama to Speak At Howard Commencement

President Barack Obama is one of the, if not the, most sought after speakers for college graduations in the country. So much so, that he denies far more requests than the three or so he schedules a year. This year, he’ll start off his final commencement speech tour at Howard University on May 7, according to CNN. This will be his third commencement at an HBCU.
“It is an extraordinary honor and privilege for the Howard University community to welcome President Barack H. Obama to our campus to deliver the 2016 commencement address,” said Howard University President, Dr. Wayne A. I. Frederick in a press statement.
“The President’s commitment to education, especially for those who can least afford it, dovetails with Howard’s commitment to provide these same students with a rigorous, intellectually-stimulating, and academically-challenging educational experience,” Frederick continued. “As we look into the not so distant future, Howard will commemorate its 150th Anniversary in March 2017, emboldened by a legacy of addressing disparities that are inextricably intertwined with this nation’s legacy of equality and inclusivity. President Obama’s own legacy gives the Howard Community great expectations for the leadership footprint it will leave on America and the globe.”
This should be a great experience for all those graduating from Howard this year. The rest of us will be looking on with admiration.
Photo: Wiki Commons