Rapper Meek Mill gives back to hometown of Philly this season
Just a few weeks ago, we reported that native Philadelphian Kevin Hart had donated 500 computers to the city’s schools. Now, another Philly-bred celebrity is giving back. Rapper Meek Mill will be giving away turkeys this week.
Philly raised me and made me into the man I am today, so to do the first annual ‘A Dreamchaser’s Thanksgiving,’ was an obvious thing to do,” said the 26-year-old rapper. “I’m blessed to be in a position where I can make sure that as many people as possible have a meal on Thanksgiving, so that they can be with their loved ones to enjoy the holiday.”The event will benefit local organizations, including Youth Working Together, Town Watch and Unity in the Community. Along with Meek, Mayor Michael Nutter also plans to attend the event. (*Note* All guest attendance/participation at events is subject to change).
In the first of what is planned to be an annual event, Meek Mill will aim to feed more than 600 families.
Shout out to Meek Mill and other celebrities who will be giving back this holiday season.
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