modern slavery

According to the first-ever Global Slavery Index 2013, more than 29 million people are living in slavery around the world.

The index, released by Australia-based Walk Free Foundation, takes a look at modern slavery: debt bondage, forced marriage, child labour, human trafficking and forced labor. 


[…] the Caribbean country, Haiti ranks second in prevalence after Mauritania in West Africa. Pakistan ranks third on a list in which mainly African and Asian countries predominate.  The United States ranks on the low-end (134th in the world), according to the Australia-based Walk Free Foundation. But, it is still a destination for all of the above.

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The Global Slavery Index measures the size of the modern slavery problem, country by country. It provides a quantitative ranking of 162 countries around the world according to the estimated prevalence of slavery.

Click here to view the full report.

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