We didn’t think Rick Santorum could make this “I don’t want to give Black people other people’s money” controversy any worse than it already is, but he’s shocked us yet again.

And this time he’s insulting our intelligence, rather than simply offending us.

During an interview with Bill O’Reilly, Santorum defended his controversial comments by asserting that we didn’t actually hear what we thought we heard.

Apparently, Rick said “Blah” people, not Black people.

From The Huffington Post:

“‘I looked at that, and I didn’t say that,’ Santorum told O’Reilly. ‘If you look at it, what I started to say is a word and then sort of changed and it sort of — blah — came out. And people said I said ‘black.’ I didn’t.’

The GOP hopeful touted his past help of black colleges to further defend himself against criticism over the claims.”

Read more at HuffingtonPost.com

Not convinced? Neither are we.

Check out the original “Blah” people comment below.

Did Rick Santorum say “Black people” or “Blah” people?

Better question: How stupid does he really think  we are?

Sound off below!