Pitch an original article for the site.
We love to host content from new and emerging Black millennial voices on pop culture, LGBTQIA+ issues, politics, feminism, and many other topics. Please note that we do not publish pieces that reinforce respectability politics. We embrace Black feminism in our politics and it informs what we do.
Pitches should include how the piece aligns with BYP’s mission and voice, and should be sent to info@blackyouthproject.com along with the following:
- A 1 paragraph summary of the piece
- An estimated word count (accepted editorial pieces are generally between 800-1,200 words)
- A 1 to 2 sentence bio
- Relevant links to previous works
Helpful tips for submitting:
- Look through our site to check and see if we’ve published similar things in the past.
- Give content warnings for the pieces that need it
- Give time for editors to reflect, don’t check in with editors after two days
Writing Advice/Workshop
- Who is your reader/ who are you talking to or with?
- What do you want this piece to do? What requests, if any, are you making of your reader?
- What are you complicating in it? What are you reconciling with?
- What feeling do you want to leave your reader with?
- Why is this important?
- Cite your sources! Your essay should highlight whatever it is in conversation with.
We also accept republished content.
If interested in republishing content you have already written, you should follow a traditional pitching approach and write a brief summary to help us understand how your content aligns with BYP’s voice and mission. Your submission should include a link to the content on a platform you own (or have authority to grant reposting permission for). You should include the same 4 additional pieces of information requested for pitching original content.
All submissions should be sent to info@blackyouthproject.com.
More information:
The Black Youth Project reserves the right to publish submitted content at our own discretion. All articles submitted to The Black Youth Project will be edited with the goal of making it the best and most insightful piece possible. Contributors should be open to working with editors and making changes when necessary.
Articles accepted for publication cannot be re-published elsewhere before 1 year without the express written consent of The Black Youth Project.
You represent and warrant that you have all rights to grant to us and that no other rights from any third party will be necessary.
For original pieces of 800+ words, writers will be compensated at $100.