Summer Surge in Gun Violence Forces Chicago Hospital to Hold Blood Drive
As the summer surge of gun violence continues in Chicago, a South Side hospital is asking Chicagoans to donate blood.
St. Bernard Hospital is holding a blood drive this Friday.
Crowded emergency rooms are making it harder and harder to treat patients; they say blood donations are desperately needed.
Over the holiday weekend, at least 11 people were killed and 62 were wounded in violence around the city. Most of the shootings occurred on the South and West sides. The bloodshed continued into Monday, when three people, including a 15-year-old boy, were shot dead.
While police tout a decrease in shootings and murders overall, the increased violence still creates a shortfall in emergency rooms.
“The chronic violence in many of our neighborhoods creates a higher demand for blood supplies,” Michaels said. “It is imperative that we get more people to give blood. [Blood donation] could save the life of a family member or neighbor.”
The blood drive will be held at Sr. Bernard Hospital (326 E. 64th St.) beginning at 11am.
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