The BYP hires Charlene Carruthers as the National Coordinator of the BYP 100
Dear BYP 100,
I am thrilled to announce that the Black Youth Project (BYP) has hired Charlene Carruthers as the first National Coordinator for the BYP 100. This position was made possible by a grant from the Arcus Foundation.
The National Coordinator will work with members of the BYP 100 to expand and sustain the new national network and local organizing teams of young Black activists you are building. I cannot imagine a better person to support the growth of the BYP 100. Charlene was involved in the planning of the convening and continued to work diligently after the convening to build on the relationships, commitments, and work produced during that gathering.
While we all feel that we know Charlene, I want to share a bit about her background that demonstrates why she is such an exceptional person for this position. Charlene A. Carruthers is a political organizer and writer with over 10 years of experience in racial justice, feminist and youth leadership development movement work. Her passion for developing young leaders to build capacity within marginalized communities has led her to work on immigrant rights, economic justice and civil rights campaigns nationwide.
She has led grassroots and digital strategy campaigns for national progressive organizations including the Center for Community Change, the Women’s Media Center, and National People’s Action.
Charlene is deeply committed to working with young organizers seeking to create a better world. She has facilitated and developed political trainings for organizations including the NAACP, the Center for Progressive Leadership, the New Organizing Institute,, Young People For and Wellstone Action.
Charlene earned a B.A. in History & International Studies from Illinois Wesleyan University and a Master of Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis. Charlene was born and raised on South Side of Chicago where she currently resides.
I expect great things from the BYP 100. Each “member” of the BYP 100 has already demonstrated exceptional leadership and vision—that is why you were invited to the convening. I can’t wait to see what your collective power will unleash, especially with the support of Charlene Carruthers as the first National Coordinator of the BYP 100.