Uber Hires Eric Holder To Investigate Sexual Harassment Claims

2017 has already been a rough year for Uber. After dealing with the #DeleteUber campaign following the president’ Muslim Ban, the company worked diligently to get ahead of the controversy only to find itself in another.
Earlier this week, a former Uber employee wrote a blog post detailing her experience being sexually harassed by another employee during her time with the company on an online chatroom.
“Upper management told me that he ‘was a high performer’ (i.e. had stellar performance reviews from his superiors) and they wouldn’t feel comfortable punishing him for what was probably just an innocent mistake on his part,” wrote Susan Fowler, a former Uber reliability engineer.
Forced to explain the actions of his company, yet again, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick reportedly spoke out against the actions in Fowler’s post, calling them “abhorrent” and said, “Anyone who behaves this way or thinks this is OK will be fired.”
To help bring out the truth of what happened between Fowler and her coworker, Kalanick announced that Uber has hired former Attorney General Eric Holder “to conduct an independent review” into the incident, as well as Tammy Albarran, a fellow partner from the law firm Covington & Burling. Arianna Huffington will also assist with the review, according to The Hill.
Unfortunately, the actions Fowler described are known to be a part of the culture in business across the world and it will take a lot more than one investigation to root out this toxic mentality that’s already taken root in a company where only 15.1% of the employees in the “engineering, product management, and scientist roles” are women.
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