UPDATE: Flint Water Crisis Continues, House of Representatives Allocates $170M

According to NPR, Mayor Karen Weaver of Flint, Michigan has been working to replace hundreds of lead pipes that contaminated the city’s water supply, while the House of Representatives just passed a bill allocating $170 million in aid the city of Flint. Progress is being made in the city; even so, residents are still reliant on filters and water bottles to ensure that they are using clean water.
Mayor Weaver says that water filters in the kitchen give people confidence, yet filters cannot often be installed in the bathroom sink or in the shower. Many in the city have been dependent on water bottles for cleaning, bathing, and cooking for around 3 years now. Clearly, a lot of work still needs to be done to make sure the residents of Flint are consuming and using clean and safe water.
ABC News reports that Flint veterans, Arthur Woodson and George Grundy II, who traveled to North Dakota to advocate against the Dakota Access Pipeline have turned their focus back to Flint, and are ready and energized to continue to fight for clean water for the city. Wesley Clark, Jr., leader of Veterans for Standing Rock agrees that the group will be turning to Flint in the future.
While high profile advocacy and aid for Flint is in the works, there is still plenty we can do to aid the city. Click to donate to the Flint United Water Fund, or the Flint Child Health and Development Fund. City officials have also posted this list of ways to help and respond to the ongoing crisis.
Photo Credits: MSNBC