

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has been a huge social media hit. Everyone all all ages and popularity have contributed to raising awareness for the cause. So much that more than $15 million has been donated towards researching a cure for the disease.

But instead of the Ice Bucket Challenge, actor/comedian Orlando Jones has another challenge. And it’s inspired by the unrest happening in Ferguson, Missouri. 

From Fusion:

Now, Orlando Jones, one of the stars of Fox’s “Sleepy Hollow,” has launched a new variation he calls the “Bullet Bucket Challenge” that was inspired by the shooting death of black unarmed teenager Michael Brown.

Hoping to bring attention to violence in the United States and around the world, Jones made a video where he poured a tub of shell casings over his head to represent all the lives that have been lost to violence.

Read more at Fusion

Watch Orlando explain and execute the challenge:

“Those shell casings in my video represent the people who paid the ultimate cost for the freedoms we have today. I couldn’t find enough bullets to dump on myself to illustrate the number of people who gave their lives for a very important ideal,” said Jones during an interview with Fusion. “I hope someone is held accountable for this atrocious act. We’re seeing a lot of politics and spin doctoring going on, lots of people talking in absolutes, when this situation only has one absolute: People are dead. The focus is really on trying to shift blame and not on what we could have done to avoid that.”

Way to go Orlando.

Do you accept his challenge?

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