White Howard Student Apologizes For Old Tweets Including The N-Word

Russell Schiller is the Howard University Student responsible for starting the #BlackWomenAreGorgeous social media campaign. This movement gained a lot of public support and saw Schiller receive a considerable amount of support himself. But then, after some digging, many found some of his old tweets problematic.
Schiller, a white man, was found to have used the n-word on multiple occasions on social media, even as recently as July of 2015. To no surprise, many saw a problem with this.
Here are some of the tweets that were called into question. (Warning: Some may find these offensive):
@Ishy_seinfeld never that but niggas pants be swallowing they shoes whole
— Russell Schiller (@RussyLVLYSL) July 14, 2015
“@DejaAdoree: I just want to play COD rn. leaving my ps at school was the worse decision of my life ?.” And yet you’re single? niggas dumb
— Russell Schiller (@RussyLVLYSL) December 17, 2014
when white people don’t respect you but change their ways to make MONEY and get FAME off u @russylvlysl pic.twitter.com/UsCHkoZRuN
— Nic (@shimmer_n_glow) March 25, 2016
After the question of exactly how problematic Schiller’s use of the word was was debated at great length, he came out with a public apology, according to the Root.
— Russell Schiller (@RussyLVLYSL) March 26, 2016
Many still have questions about both Schiller and the way that he was placed under the spotlight for his campaign with his history of anti-Black language, but those will likely have to wait a while since the HU student appears to be on the tail end of his apology tour.
Photo Credit: Twitetr