R. Kelly’s name has been associated with sexual deviance and abuse for more than a decade. For many, it started when he was acquitted after appearing in court for allegedly having sex with a 14-year-old girl. However, the history goes back much further.

New life was breathed into the scandal of R. Kelly’s past when Buzzfeed published an article accusing the singer of running a sexual cult where he manipulates young women into being completely dependent on him and cutting ties with their families.

The publication isn’t letting up despite Kelly’s denial and consideration of legal action. A new story has come out where a woman claims that she was the victim of underage sexual abuse from the singer when she was only 15 years old.

Jerhonda Pace was recognized as a loyal fan to Kelly who appeared for everyday of his trial in hopes that he would be found innocent. She even appeared in the media celebrating his acquittal. However, no one knew that she was only 15 at the time. This is where she crossed paths with R. Kelly after he stopped and gave her an autograph.

“He didn’t have anything to sign, and neither did I, but my friend reached into her pocket and found an old bank slip, so I got his autograph on her bank slip. I laminated that” Pace said.

Kelly then exchanged numbers with Pace and invited her to a party at his Olympia Fields mansion soon after. Pace told Kelly that she was 19 year old and the two began a sexual relationship. Eventually, Pace showed the singer her state ID as proof of her true age and this is when she states he suggested that she tell anyone who asked that she was 19 and to act 25.

Pace claims that Kelly began to manipulate her and use methods to prevent her from speaking to anyone about their relationship, including blackmail, bribes and getting her to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

The Buzzfeed piece dives much deeper into Pace’s story, and the similarities it has with the rumors about Kelly’s cult. Despite the fear of Kelly taking legal action against her, she felt that she should speak out now.

“I know speaking out against Kelly, Kelly could sue me. But I’m really not worried about it anymore,” Pace says. “I feel like this is a healing process for me, because I’ve been holding this in for so many years, and to see that he always gets away with it, it’s just not right. I’m just going forward with my head held high.”