
In the latest installment of their Workplace Discrimination Series, The Center for American Progress highlights the story of Ashland Johnson. 

Johnson claims that she was discriminated against by her boss due to her sexual orientation. When she first started working for a company in Atlanta, she got great reviews. It wasn’t until her boss discovered that she was involved in a same sex relationship that things changed.

“One day I got sick and ended up being in the ICU for a week, and I let my employers know. They didn’t contact me to let me know anything else except for a week later, they FedEx’d me a termination letter.” – Ashland Johnson

From Center for American Progress:

Every day, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, or LGBT, individuals are discriminated against in the workplace solely due to their sexual orientation and gender identity and are denied the protection of federal law. That must change now. In Johnson’s personal video below, she recounts experiences when her employer expressed disapproval of her sexual orientation.


Read more at Center for American Progress

Johnson’s employer’s views ultimately led to Johnson’s termination, while she was lying in a hospital bed.

Check out the video below:

Currently, there is no federal law protecting members of the LGBT community against workplace discrimination.

Thoughts on Ashland’s story?

Were you or someone you know ever discriminated against in the workplace?

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