BYP Joins $18Mil Research Effort to Shed Light on Women and Girls of Color

Black Youth Project is one of 25 universities and research centers that are funding a new effort to study opportunity and empowerment for women and girls of color.
Beginning next year as part of this collaborative, the Black Youth Project through their new Next Generation Survey will produce and disseminate quarterly reports on the ideas, actions and policy preferences of young women of color. In a partnership with NORC, the Black Youth Project is building a custom panel of young, 18- to 30-year-old Black, Latino and Asian participants that will produce reliable public opinion data about young adults of color. The data will be widely available to a broad community of academics, advocates, journalists and activists who can use the survey results to inform their work on data rather than anecdote.
“Researchers and policy makers will have unprecedented access to data on the experiences and attitudes of young women of color that can be studied in wholly innovative ways,” says Dr. Cathy Cohen, director and founder of Black Youth Project.
The Black Youth Project’s survey panel on young women joins a host of research initiatives recently announced at the White House by the Collaborative to Advance Equity Through Research, a partnership of universities and research centers led by the Anna Julia Cooper Center at Wake Forest University and its director, MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry.
Also released was the White House Council on Women and Girls’ latest report outlining five areas where research can advance interventions for women and girls in the U.S., including unnecessary discipline practices, trauma, STEM education, teen pregnancy and economic prosperity.
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