Call for Submissions: The King Bey Bible

It’s time for poets and essayists to get in formation.
Feminista Jones and Olivia Cole are teaming up to publish an anthology of writing inspired by and dedicated to the one and only Beyoncé: The King Bey Bible. For many, Beyoncé is the human incarnation of the possibility of another world: a world run by Girls! Consider this their interpretation of a “lost text”.
Submission Guidelines
The King Bey Bible seeks submissions from any and all women (18+) who have been touched in some way by Beyoncé, exploring themes of motherhood, music, feminism, sexuality, and everything else under the sun. Poems should not exceed 1,000 words. Essays should be a minimum of 700 words and a maximum of 2,000 words. Preference will be given to writers publishing for the first time and previously unpublished pieces, but all are welcome to submit.
Submissions are due by October 31, 2016 11:59 EST. This is a firm deadline.
Editors will review every single submission and invitations to participate in the anthology will be sent out on December 1, 2016. $75 will be paid for poems selected for publication; $125 for essays. Submit and send PDF submissions to Include short bio, links to other work (if applicable), and either copy and paste your work or upload a PDF. (Files other than PDFs will not be opened.)
To learn more about this opportuity, visit
To give to this project, visit the Indiegogo page.