In 2016, UVA Medical Students Think Blacks Feel Less Pain Than Whites

Welcome to America where Blacks are consistently marginalized and stereotyped, and color matters more than ever. People are more likely to arrest you if you are Black, and even Raven-Symone won’t hire you if your name sounds too Black.
In a new study, white doctors think that Black people are invincible to the pains that they deal with on a regular basis. There was a study run by the University of Virginia which gathered more than 111 medical students who wholeheartedly believed non-truths about black people, like the idea that African-American blood clots faster than that of Whites.
The university even released a press statement on it, of which we have some of the points below:
“They were also asked the extent to which various beliefs about biological differences between blacks and whites are true or untrue; for example: that blacks age more slowly than whites; their nerve endings are less sensitive than whites’; their blood coagulates more quickly than whites’; their skin is thicker than whites’ (all false).
The researchers found that half of the sample endorsed at least one of the false beliefs, and those who endorsed these beliefs were more likely to report lower pain ratings for the black vs. white patient, and were less accurate in their treatment recommendations for the black vs. white patient.”
Let’s get real though… are we really surprised? When Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown in Ferguson in 2014, he said that Brown had “charged through a barrage of bullets” as if his color and skin make bullets less painful. Blacks are not immune to death, but it seems like some people think so.
According to John Dilulio, Jr., a political scientist, Black kids who live in inner cities, which he called “super predators” (shout out to Hillary Clinton for using the same language) were in competition with themselves, having this high capacity for violence, which is why the word “super” is included in the term. White people have been fascinated with this. And, the more I write about it, the more I see nothing. Since the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, when black sharecroppers were manipulated into acting as guinea pigs for a disease that researchers never told the subjects that there was a cure for, the obsession with dehumanizing Black people has been par for the course.
So, let me clear this up for you.
No. Black people are not less sensitive to pain than white people. While we endure a lot of pain continuously, it doesn’t mean we are impermeable to it. So I am not so sure what is happening at the University of Virginia and in medicine in general, but y’all, it has got to stop.
(Photo Credit: Adam Berry/Stringer for Getty Images)