Learning to love myself enough to f*ck raw while Black and HIV positive

Trent Kelley
What happens to our campaigns to end “poz-phobia” when it is the poz person with the hang-ups?
By Timothy Duwhite
My boyfriend wants to fuck me raw.
Though he hasn’t said it yet, eventually he will. Right now, however, he is just a tapestry of hints and subtleties. He asks me if he can just put the head in. He says he just wants to loosen me before slipping on the condom. I flinch as he enters—my skin its own flimsy fabric against his pulsating raw erection. I tell him, “That is enough. I am open now.” But he wants to know just how open I am willing to be.
He thrusts, and I see it, as clear as a ripped blood vessel. He thrusts, and there it is, a hail of Triumeq plummeting from the sky. I push him off of me. Ask him what’s his problem. Ask him if he has a death wish. I tell him, “I am not into that weird shit! You know what the fuck I got!” And the whole time I am talking about my body. I am talking about the absurdity of a man who would willingly place himself in a den of poison. He pauses, brushes the sweat from his brow and responds, “You have got to get over this. You know I’m taking PrEP, and your viral load is undetectable. It’s like impossible for you to infect me, babe.”
The first thing I was taught after being diagnosed with HIV was that I was no longer desirable. It was a lesson learned in segments. It was a class in which my mother cried and told me, “At least you know that all your partners from this day forward will love you for you.” Her not so subtle way of saying that I am a risk not to be taken lightly.
On the first day of my “newly diagnosed” support group, the discussion centered around “disclosure,” or rather, “how best not to scare off a boy with your blood.” I took every note. I learned how to apologize on the behalf of an entire immune system. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I was finally ready for a date, for a disdain, for a text with no response, for a life spent alone.
But this boy wants to fuck me just as raw as he wishes to love me—and he isn’t the first. The boy before him laughed when I emailed him all the anxiety I felt around disclosing my status. He said, “I thought you were smart, but you must be pretty stupid if you think that would run me away.” He was the first boy to approach me a year and a half after my diagnosis. The first boy on whom I tested out my disclosure routine. And the first (and only) white boy I have ever dated.
What I did not know (was not taught) is that every boy after him would also think that I must be “pretty stupid” for having these anxieties. How each boy after him would be relatively unbothered by what lives within my veins. This isn’t a scenario that was discussed at any of my support groups. Our discussions solely centered around us being the problem. Which, given a history where HIV positive people have literally been quarantined, isn’t an illogical place to begin these sort of conversations.
Yet I, unprepared for such a possibility of being lusted after still, figured this white boy was something exceptional. Figured it was his whiteness that bred such understanding. And this is how I learned to hate my body more.
This is how my Blackness became as much the problem as my viral load.
RELATED: How much to live?: The Black LGBTQ health care crisis did not start with Trump
While we were dating, I could never bring myself to have penetrative sex with the white boy. No matter how much he would ask, I knew it was my forever responsibility to protect him from me. Today, however, I am grateful to know that I was actually protecting myself the entire time. Not allowing his white (everything) to occupy any more space within me.
The fact that I am HIV positive is a result of anti-Black state sanctioned violence. The infrastructure of this world assures that Black people are the most vulnerable to poverty, homelessness, and unemployment—all factors contributing to the rise of the HIV epidemic. When we allow a single narrative, like that HIV automatically makes one undesirable, to shape such state violence, we also allow room for even more anti-Blackness.
I thought the white boy was exceptional because I was only told that being poz would make me hard to love, and yet he loved me. I was never told that a white man’s type of love could just as quickly have me caged in prison. Which shouldn’t come as a surprise because white men were taught by patriarchy to imprison everything they love a long time ago.
I am convinced that “safe sex” is now and has always been for the white boy, who gets to decide whether he wants sex to be “safe” or not, because something is always around to protect him. No matter how many Black men and non-men I have fucked, sex has never been safe. Even if our general fears of being Black and vulnerable doesn’t manifest in the bedroom like my fears, they do elsewhere. Whether it be the street, the office, the classroom, the job interview, two blocks from the precinct, Black terror always manifests.
This is all that we bring to sex—whiteness the disease that infiltrates everything. And I need to believe that this truth is as worthy of a war (or a campaign) as the war against the stigma our partners may or may not carry against us.
RELATED: Why intersectional feminism needs reproductive justice approaches to HIV
For a moment, would you imagine with me a world where a poz person being discriminated against for their status while trying to get dates isn’t the only story? Imagine a world where a queer Black boy seroconverts and spends the rest of his days angry that everyone else isn’t as afraid of his body as he is.
What happens to our campaigns to end “poz-phobia” when it is the poz person with the hang-ups?
What happens when talk of PrEP or PEP isn’t enough to convince me I’m not a faulty grenade pin on the brink of decimating someone’s life? Some days I wish I could put this fear on everyone else. Some days I wish I had a story about the boy who left because he couldn’t handle it. But the truth is I am always the boy who leaves. The boy who rebukes the two hands reaching towards him in the middle of the night. The boy who views his body as nothing worth saving. And this is the conversation around HIV stigma I so desperately need.
Two years ago, while with my boyfriend (a Black man), I decided to get a tattoo. I wanted one that would expel all the hatred and fear I felt for my body. Eventually I landed on a quote from Audre Lorde, “I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.” But it wasn’t until I arrived at the tattoo shop that I remembered my thick toxin. All I could think about was my blood, their needles, and the poor person whose life could possibly be altered after I leave. But somehow I managed to get it anyway, for myself, and I like to believe that is a victory worth celebrating, too.
Timothy DuWhite is a black, queer, poz-writer/artist/nigga based out of Brooklyn, NY. A majority of his work circles around the intersections of state & body, state & love, and state & mind. All Timothy desires is a different/newer world for his sha-daughters, and believes the written word is one tool that could be used towards achieving that goal.
Did you notice this?
“Two years ago, while with my boyfriend (a Black man), I decided to get a tattoo. I wanted one that would expel all the hatred and fear I felt for my body. Eventually I landed on a quote from Audre Lorde, “I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.” But it wasn’t until I arrived at the tattoo shop that I remembered my thick toxin. All I could think about was my blood, their needles, and the poor person whose life could possibly be altered after I leave. But somehow I managed to get it anyway, for myself, and I like to believe that is a victory worth celebrating, too.”
This guy thinks that endangering the tattoo artist’s safety was a victory.
He endangered the costumers after him not the tattoo artist. Although, if possible transmission transpires they can certainly sue the tattoo man rightfully so. Of course, the tattoo artist was not made aware of his status.
There is protocol for keeping the equipment disease free.
Still should have notified the artist. Although the artist is aware of hidden risks.
I don’t see the point about going off on racism, when his white partner was apparently very accepting.
Trying too hard to make something “intersectional”.
Did you know that deadly bacterial infections like Tuberculosis and Meningitis are able to be passed from person to person without it ever affecting the original carrier? These diseases, which are present in the blood, are, as we all know, extremely dangerous to a susceptible host, and yet, when people do things like play contact sports, or do body piercings, or get tattoos, that very real possibility is never taken into account by either the tattoo shop or the person getting the artwork done. You don’t see people freaking out about the horrific things that happen to someone who catches Bacterial Meningitis, that it can kill you within a matter of days or even hours if not diagnosed and treated in time. I know this, because I contracted the disease almost fifteen years ago. And to this day, I have no idea who infected me, or how. But if I did, do you think I would have standing to ostracize that person, or even better, take legal action against them because they put innocent people at risk for transmission of the bacteria? Of course not. We wouldn’t even think of doing something as far fetched or paranoid as that, because meningitis, like so many other infectious diseases, is one that out society has a set protocol, including vaccines, treatment that can lead to the person being cured, and it does not take sexual activity to spread it.
Maybe we should create a mandatory screening for meningitis to see who is a non susceptible carrier. Maybe when we find out who those carriers are, we should isolate them until we can treat them, and if we can’t, find a safe place for them to live and work without presenting a danger to society at large. And yeah, maybe we could tell non susceptible carriers that no, they’re not allowed to set foot in a tattoo parlor.
And since we know access to medical care is most often limited or altogether restricted for racially marginalized communities, maybe we should just assume that Black or Brown people who live together are potential hosts for the disease and let them know they can’t get piercings or tattoos, and IF they go get a tattoo and DON’T tell the artist, they should be held responsible for their actions, so we’ll have them arrested and charged with reckless endangerment. That way those “evil” people will think twice before wanting to put a famous quote on their arm.
If this sounds as ridiculous to you as I know it does to the rest of us, Sister, then you’ll be less likely to feel shocked or offended when I tell you that’s exactly how you sound when you spread stigmatizing statements about HIV and AIDS. Especially when it’s clear that those statements are ones you’ve pulled out of your ass.
Have several seats and read more.
To @SisterBenedict, who called this man evil for getting a tattoo and not disclosing his status to the artist.
Did you know that deadly bacterial infections like Tuberculosis and Meningitis are able to be passed from person to person without it ever affecting the original carrier? These diseases, which are present in the blood, are, as we all know, extremely dangerous to a susceptible host, and yet, when people do things like play contact sports, or do body piercings, or get tattoos, that very real possibility is never taken into account by either the tattoo shop or the person getting the artwork done. You don’t see people freaking out about the horrific things that happen to someone who catches Bacterial Meningitis, that it can kill you within a matter of days or even hours if not diagnosed and treated in time. I know this, because I contracted the disease almost fifteen years ago. And to this day, I have no idea who infected me, or how. But if I did, do you think I would have standing to ostracize that person, or even better, take legal action against them because they put innocent people at risk for transmission of the bacteria? Of course not. We wouldn’t even think of doing something as far fetched or paranoid as that, because meningitis, like so many other infectious diseases, is one that out society has a set protocol, including vaccines, treatment that can lead to the person being cured, and it does not take sexual activity to spread it.
Maybe we should create a mandatory screening for meningitis to see who is a non susceptible carrier. Maybe when we find out who those carriers are, we should isolate them until we can treat them, and if we can’t, find a safe place for them to live and work without presenting a danger to society at large. And yeah, maybe we could tell non susceptible carriers that no, they’re not allowed to set foot in a tattoo parlor.
And since we know access to medical care is most often limited or altogether restricted for racially marginalized communities, maybe we should just assume that Black or Brown people who live together are potential hosts for the disease and let them know they can’t get piercings or tattoos, and IF they go get a tattoo and DON’T tell the artist, they should be held responsible for their actions, so we’ll have them arrested and charged with reckless endangerment. That way those “evil” people will think twice before wanting to put a famous quote on their arm.
If this sounds as ridiculous to you as I know it does to the rest of us, Sister, then you’ll be less likely to feel shocked or offended when I tell you that’s exactly how you sound when you spread stigmatizing statements about HIV and AIDS. Especially when it’s clear that those statements are ones you’ve pulled out of your ass.
Have several seats and read more.
Not knowing you have Tuberculosis or Meningitis is a lot different from knowing you have HIV. Not only that HIV, lasts in your body forever. There is a cure for TB and Meningitis and is easier to diagnosis and detect than HIV. I get what you are attempting to say, but it’s no where near the same.
Tuberculosis and Meningitis are easier to detect? Now I have to rinse you, because we’ve had in home HIV testing for years, but when I was brought to the hospital where I was treated, the ambulance and nurses all thought I had OD’ed on Speed. Both infections require a full screening at a practitioners office, and even then those results aren’t completely accurate. The larger point is that HIV, which is absolutely a manageable disease, is still being seen by society as a death sentence, and Black and Brown communities are suffering from that White based stigma. If you don’t want to do your research, that’s your choice. But stop acting ignorant as fuck on other people’s blogs because you think your opinion matters. Shutting up is a WAY better option for lightweights like you.
Who pays for the medications when someone gets HIV/aids from being super reckless (if not an out and out “bug catcher”)
I’ve seen many of these bug catchers want the state/fed to pay for it…i.e. the rest of society.
At on top of this that it is much different from KNOWING you have HIV and getting with a big catcher OR being the bug catcher and trying to catch it…versus not realizing you are in harm’s way.
We(Those that aren’t brain dead) see through your bullshit.
Your analogy is shit. People aren’t TRYING to catch those diseases. In this story his boyfriend is trying(he knows he’s at risk.) It won’t be a f0cking surprise. The chance may be super low or “impossible” but it happens…and it’d be the same as someone KNOWING they can catch TB/men from someone or somewhere that it actually is, right then and there.
Your analogy would maybe work if we were just talking about random gay men where the status is not known.
But we aren’t. This article is about someone that does have HIV.
He’s oppressed and repressed. His melenin told him so.
Go get In a bread line.
The boyfriend wasn’t *trying* to catch anything, you fatuous imbecile. He was trying to have bareback sex with his boyfriend, knowing full well that he was taking prophylactics and that his boyfriend was undetectable. Just say that you support racism, discrimination, and HIV stigma, take your fuckass arguments and go.
Okay but what’s with all the racism?
Ahh, now I see, this is about social services being doled out to people who, in your eyes, ‘don’t deserve it,’ on your dime. For you, this has nothing to do with compassion for people dealing with a chronic illness, or the idea that stigma is one of the main reasons why HIV rates in marginalized communities aren’t dropping. This is you and your dickhead cabal of ‘reputable’ citizens not wanting to spend any of your tax dollars on the poor or disenfranchised – which, for you, apparently, also includes the sexually active. How very White and American of you!
Because what, HIV+ people don’t themselves pay taxes, or have families, or hold down jobs to support those families AND pay their taxes? Listen, douchemouth, cut the shit and troll someone else. Whatever you think you’ve “seen” or ‘know’ about HIV transmission or anything else to do w/the disease is obviously coming from the same place the original woman who called the author “evil.” Go shit in your hands and clap for the fact that you had someone pay your insignificant ass some attention, and when you’re done doing that, go play in traffic. Preferably during rush hour.
Not all HIV+ people played with fire by fucking someone they knew had HIV.
Unless that’s what you believe?
I’m talking about his boyfriend and bugcatchers.
Your comment illustrates the continued blurring of the lines that hurt real HIV+ people.
And shove your racist remark up your ass. There are plenty of white, Asian, etc bug catchers.
This isn’t the 80s anymore where people were afraid to touch an HIV+ person. This is people shoving their cocks up hiv+ asses without protection.
And ALL races have idiots representing them doing just that.
and I’m the troll devolving the conversation. Sure…
Your conflating and using conjecture to make a point that no one cares about. Get bent and go home.
I’m sooooo white. Must why progressives hate Asians.
So…the authors white boyfriend is poor and disenfranchised for being irresponsible?
The author is poor and disenfranchised for not letting the tattoo artist know just in case the artist is a a dumbass and forgets to clean his shit?
Again…your analogies are shit.
There is different from a gay men getting HIV from someone he didn’t know had hiv…versus an idiot who couldn’t wrap his dick and got.
There is a difference between a mother trying to feed her kids. And a dumbass who’s trying to get HIV.
And you’re right THIS (ie this article) has nothing to do with compassion.
You’re a fool if you think people shouldn’t be made aware that medical care, disability, pills, etc aren’t actually free and their dumb “mistake” or purposefully getting the disease (big catchers) doesn’t affect the countries they are in.
They’ll be in a world of hurt if the US/West goes through a major depression and they can’t get their meds. But I’m the one without compassion.
No I’m the one that realizes these poor decisions can bite them in ass.
Be. Fucking. Responsible
Next I’ll be reading an article on heroin addicts too lazy to change needles.
Oh. Boo. Hoo.
And again so you don’t pull out your progressive talking points…RACE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING RESPONSIBLE WITH YOUR DICK.
I’m sure YOU don’t care. You probably feel so altrustic by “letting people do what they want and forget the impacts”
That and your can’t make an analogy to save your life.
If you believe that, you’re more of an idiot than I thought. LOL.
So…you believe certain races are less responsible? Others are more so? Others are more capable of doing so.
Guess you were projecting when implying I was a racist.
And good job ignoring parts of my comment.
Projecting on the troll part too as well? 😉
Listen sports fan if I wanted to talk to somebody with a reach, I would have had sat down and had a political debate with the basketball player. Go get some fresh air or something. You’re doing the most for no reason. Bye
I don’t like sports at all.(edit: is this the whole knee in football comment LOL..yeah I don’t give a shit what the president is distracting us with or what rich drug abusing and domestic abusive assholes are doing with their free speech)
Try again.
But I’ll ask again. How does racism come into the conversation when I say white black Asian(mostly white and black men) need to be responsible with their dicks?
How do you know he didn’t?
What a disgusting, entitled VICTIM MENTALITY. You caught AIDS because you CHOSE to have unprotected sex. Now, you’re willingly exposing others, including anyone who got a tattoo after you. REPULSIVE.
“The fact that I am HIV positive is a result of anti-Black state sanctioned violence.”
No, kiddo, you’re HIV-positive because you allow other men to fuck you in the ass. It’s really that simple.
I like how you managed to turn your personal struggle of having HIV as a minority into “it’s white people’s fault.” I’d hate to say this and I do not know what any of it feels like, but your actions led to your condition. It’s a general statement you can tell anyone when they say life isn’t fair and they’d have a hard time disagreeing usually. You and the person you were intimate with didn’t take precautions. You are less desirable because you have a contagious virus that can kill its host and spread. It’s not about being black or white, it’s about the dangers of having HIV. You should not hate yourself and I believe its hard not to when you feel like you are your condition (something I CAN relate to), but that’s in your head, not ingrained in society. This is hardcore projection from your insecurities. You putting that “whiteness” perspective on your old boyfriend is BLATANTLY racist and just because you were scorned by love from what happens to be a white man, they’re to blame for how you feel? Your perspective on races is NOT helpful to ANY dialogue and I would implore you to take a second look at how you view your fellow HUMAN. You’re an adult and you need to take responsibility for your life, not prattle away on the internet hoping people sympathize with you. You reserve the right to dislike white people, but not spread hate publicly. I hope your skewed views get readjusted for your own happiness. Hating and resenting never leads to inner happiness.
This is repulsive. No, you shouldn’t hate yourself for having a disease. Life sucks and sometimes ya get some on you.
But for whatever reason that you allow your perceived or real enemies (whitey, in this case) to win, it isn’t helpful to you or other people attempting to live life with HIV to blame anything besides the disease itself and your choices.
You want to empower young black men and help create a society that is more egalitarian? Great. Take responsibility for things you can control and stop blaming white people as if we are some superhuman homogenous force that runs the world and are responsible for every wrong. Your self-worth can never be gained from others- you have to establish that on your own.
This article is a half-ass gripe. I hear your voice, and it nothing about it proposes a solution to the problems you face. It is your job to work that out for YOURSELF. As it stands you have done nothing but tell the world you are resentful, prejudiced, and losing a battle with self-pity. When you do get a grip on this, then right an article so that you may help others on the road.
Progressive stack.
Using buzzwords to derail my points without addressing them means I already won. Whether or not I’m white (I’m not btw), male, cis or not, does not mean my voice matters less or more; a point I’d like to emphasize to both sides of irrationality. Using race as a scapegoat for a helpless victim mentality who perpetuated their own situation is pathetic and condoning this kind of behaviour puts you in the same boat as him.
Death squads.
I wasn’t derailing any of your points.
But bravo on winning?
My facetious buzzword ” progressive stack” describes what you were talking about : using race and “victim status” to decide whose voice matters and how the world should be seen through a “lens”.
I was merely replying to you, and agreeing by using a sarcastic term some use to poke fun at the thought processes that lead to articles like these.
Because of he had disclosed, he wouldn’t have had any good reason to be concerned for the safety of later customers.
I think this was Poe’s Law in effect
Anti-homosexual pogroms when?
Just gave me cancer…..
Shit happens lol
What the FUCK is wrong with you?
Jesus Christ… You are not gay nor homosexual, you are a goddamn FAGGOT endangering decent human beings with your reckless behaviour.
Please do all homosexuals a favour and kill yourself, that would help us A LOT.
I regret to inform you that your slew of personal problems has made you into an idiot.
The good news it you had the opportunity to get a dopamine spike by acting self-righteous.
I had no problems with blacks. Or homosexuals. But now I’m here thinking the SS were GOOD GUYS. What the fuck is this degeneracy? How the fuck can you write this? How the fuck can anybody host this?
I used to be indifferent about blacks AT WORST. Now I’m starting to actively hating them. Allowing their own victimhood to dictate their lives to an extent where they are basically putting the shackles on their wrists and ankles themselves is so fucking sad. And anybody who says so is either a cracker, an uncle Tom, or a white supremacist. Even the ones who aren’t white or black.
The delusions that are in this authors head….. my god where would you even start with such a racist, disgusting person?
This article is why you will never be mainstream. No one will eeeeeeeeeeever take this sort of garbage seriously.
Thank god you don’t represent the entire LGBT population.
“And since we know access to medical care is most often limited or altogether restricted for racially marginalized communities”
No, it is not.
“If you believe that, you’re more of an idiot than I thought.”
So race does have to do with you being respondible for your dick?
You think “non-whites” are incapable of being responsible for their genitals? What are you? A racist?
LMAO twisting my words to suit your ignorance isn’t helping Black and Brown communities fight HIV and HIV stigma. Quit while you’re behind.
Yes, it is. Relax and do more reading . Trolling me won’t get you educated.
No it is not.
That is complete falsity. You know that.
“Do more reading”, follow your own advice and read the law of any somewhat orderly country out there.
That is not “twisting your words”, that is literally what you said.
Maybe instead of bitching about others “””twisting””” your words, you should bother to check what you’re saying before saying it.
You said that race has to do with “being responsible for one’s dick”, therefore you said that some races are not capable of such. That is not “twisting”, that is just basic syllogism.
And just fyi, because you seem to be living under a rock or under a dome or something – HIV stigma exists in all communities. And it exists for a reason. I’ll let you figure out what reason that is.
Interesting how he keeps stating the race of his boy friend, this guy is totally doing this whole thing and bragging about it for some kind of sick social justice warrior cancer.
Oppressed and repressed because the sjws told you your melenin is so important to others.
omg everyone not wanting a lifelong disease for which you need aggressive and expensive medication is stupid like why worry. and worrying makes Black people catch it! UGH RAYSISS
A “White boy” was loving and accepting yet he is still in the wrong. You might have HIV but this article gave me cancer.
Yes, I absolutely noticed this.
This is one sick motherfucker.
“I learned how to apologize on the behalf of an entire immune system.”
You haven’t learnt to take responsibility of your bad decisions yet.
“The fact that I am HIV positive is a result of anti-Black state sanctioned violence”
You are delusional
“whiteness the disease that infiltrates everything”
You are racist
Remind me never to get a tattoo in NY.
Another article for the “Why Trump got elected and will get re-elected” pile.
This racist ass probably gets meds for free or heavily subsidized by whitie.
what kind of postmodernist, racist fantasy……your boyfriend supposedly wants to fuck you raw but hasn’t said it yet? delusional to the nth degree. you’re HIV positive because why now? your own actions right? a white guy wasn’t worried about it and wanted to be with you anyway? oh no, he’s raaaacist.
Hilarious! The gay man is blaming patriarchy. The black man is blaming white people. Gay black man who got HIV from another black man, the fault doesn’t lie with whites or the patriarchy. Take responsibility for your own life and your own actions. Recognize the fault lies within your own culture. Own something for once in your life instead of denying any responsibility and always playing the victim card.
HIV was brought here by the Africans because they were having unprotected sex with Baboons.
I about fell out of my chair when you blamed “state sanctioned violence” for your having caught hiv. I’m sure you having hiv has absolutely nothing to do with your own poor decisions. It’s probably evil whiteys fault you caught it, right? Anything to avoid taking responsibility for your actions
This would have been a powerful article minus the rot gut about state sanctioned racist violence bullshit.
Im still sharing this though. Thank you.
You’ve got more baggage to check tho brotha.
The last paragraph of this article is terrifyingly narcissistic.
tim is not a nice person
Is THIS what “black youth project” considers important? How about math education? Ability to actually communicate in spoken English? Victimization will get you nowhere.
“I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.” But it wasn’t until I arrived at the tattoo shop that I remembered my thick toxin. All I could think about was my blood, their needles, and the poor person whose life could possibly be altered after I leave. But somehow I managed to get it anyway, for myself, and I like to believe that is a victory worth celebrating, too.”
You are an irresponsible, sick narcissist. In a better era, you’d have yourself committed for inpatient psychiatric care.
This has to be a joke
Go get in a food line
Yes he would…. he was always scared something was gonna go wrong and he was gonna endanger people, because that’s what he was taught…. that’s the point of the article.
What’s a sha-daughter?
This shit is AMAZING. On so many levels this is the most stupid shit I have read all week.
You are wrong. They wont in a world of hurt. They will be dead. And their death will be slow and agonizing as their intestines turn into liquid, from common cold. Once HIV turn into AIDS, there is no going back, you will be dead in week or two.
Also, giving them HIV is literally turning them into slaves, you can’t afford not to work, or else you will die. And if those geniuses have great idea to force government to pay for medicine, it will collapse welfare state in no time. Making obtaining medicine absolutely impossible. But, yea. we are the ones without compassion.
I agree with you 100%. I guess “in a world of hurt” is before death.
Guess I should have added that final part. Ha!
Author: Bitching about how everyone is racist, and black people are oppresed
Well, sunshine i got news for you. Giving other people HIV, is literally turning them into slaves, you can’t afford not to work, or else you will die. And if those geniuses have great idea to force government to pay for medicine, it will collapse welfare state in no time. Making obtaining medicine absolutely impossible, killing them in that process. Once HIV turn into AIDS, you are dead in one or two weeks, and your death will be slow and painful.
Well on that he is right, though it’s more a lack of sufficient and affordable coverage than someone overtly saying “no non-whites allowed.”
If you knowingly give another person a lifelong and potentially fatal illness then you are scum.
You are using yourself as a testament which is anecdotal and isn’t a valid argument. Medically, HIV is harder to detect.That is a fact. It is often difficult to detect in the early stages. HIV is not a manageable disease to many people still on a global scale as well as for some here in America. HIV medication and treatment is expensive for many people, and still is a death sentence for millions. Not everybody can live a healthy life like Magic Johnson. In no way shape or form is HIV similar to TB or Meningitis.
People are still getting AIDS .You are the one for is not only ignorant as f*ck, but immature and triggered as well. I only stated facts. You seem very hurt. I must have struck a nerve. You are speaking to someone with a degree in epidemiology. I’ve done my research, have you ?Source:http://new.dhh.louisiana.gov/index.cfm/page/1116
And while I am at it when it comes to stating facts…did you know that 30% of people with HIV don’t have healthcare? Or the fact that the lifetime cost of treating HIV is $500,000? For some people with HIV, life is just dandy, but for some it’s simply not. It is still hard on many people and can be a burden to many.
A month later? Yeah, bye.
Yeah, since he has no arguments, let’s pretend to “be on a higher ground” by bitching about the time. She responded whenever she read it. You better not have said anything if you had nothing to tell her either way.
It is still something they can work through, as they are legally and societally permitted.
But when you take a look at Europe, where I can say with absolute certainty that groups deemed “vulnerable” have privileges in everything that the government can intervene beyond what a regular citizen does, while some of them respect what they are given, way too many just exploit these rights and privileges and keep demanding more.
I rarely come on here. Nice argument though(cause we all know you don’t have one). All that matters is that I proved your dumb@ss wrong with facts. Yeah, bye, ms. bitter. LMAO!
Thank you! I have a life, unlike him. I don’t come on Disqus often to entertain ignorant trolls. I only come on discussion when I am bored. He has nothing to say because I shut down his lies about HIV.
LOL You are an idiot.She disproved every bs claim of yours and even cited them. You seem real hurt. At least you tried, hun…
Winner for the most retarded post goes to…
THANK YOU for this piece, cutting through the easy rhetoric of PrEP & U=U to the emotional damage the narratives around HIV have left us with. A deeply engaging read.