Miami Firefighter’s Facebook Post Blames Trayvon Martin Situations on ‘Sh*tbag Parents’
Miami-Dade Fire Department official Brian Beckmann is under investigation for facebook messages published last Wednesday that blame “Trayvon Martin situations” on “shitbag, ignorant, pathetic, welfare dependent excuses for parents.”
Beckmann tried to delete the posts, but they were screencapped, and later published by the
In the post, Beckmann lashes out at prosecutor Angela Corey in the hours following her announcement that George Zimmerman would be charged with 2nd degree murder for the shooting of Trayvon Martin.
“Listening to Prosecutor Corey blow herself and her staff for five minutes before pre-passing judgment on George Zimmerman. The state seeks reelection again, truth aside. I and my coworkers could rewrite the book on whether our urban youths are victims of racist profiling or products of their failed, shitbag, ignorant, pathetic, welfare dependent excuses for parents, but like Mrs. Corey, we speak only the truth. They’re just misunderstood little church going angels and the ghetto hoodie look doesn’t have anything to do with why people wonder if they’re about to get jacked by a thug.”
The Miami-Dade Fire Department is not happy with Beckmann’s comments, and have announcned that his posts are under investigation.
And for the record, as the Huffington Post points out, “Martin’s mother, 46-year-old Sybrina Fulton, is a “well-respected” program coordinator at the Miami-Dade Housing Authority, where she has worked since she was 23, according to the Miami Herald. His father Tracy Martin is a truck driver.”
Should we blame the parents of teenage victims of racial profiling?
Does Beckmann deserve to be fired for his facebook post?
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