
Obamacare is well underway, and while the plan is toted as providing affordable healthcare for every American, the system has not been without its flaws. President Obama announced Thursday that he would allow health insurers to extend existing health plans into 2014. 

This means that insurers can contact millions of citizens who are being dropped from their plans so that they can renew their policy.

From CBS News:

Insurers that extend existing plans must also notify consumers of what protections these renewed plans do not include. They must also notify customers that there are more options available on the new Obamacare marketplaces that offer better coverage, and that tax credits are available for many consumers.

Read more at CBS News

More than 4.8 million people in the country are being dropped from their insurance plans if they fail to meet Obamacare’s 10 minimum standards. Among the standards are maternity care, emergency visits, mental health treatment and pediatric dental care.

Just over 106,000 people have enrolled in Obamacare since it was made available last month.

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