REAL BLACK HISTORY: Meet Jean Michele Basquiat and Hebru Brantley
I love learning new things. Things that enlighten me, inspire me, and educate me. I was recently introduced to an artist of the great 80s. Jean Michele Basquiat. From that introduction and a few pieces I saw, I wasn’t immediately taken. His art resembles a child’s work, but a companion of mine turned on his documentary and the rest was present.
Documentaries that feature the actual person of subject gives us an in depth look at the person. The way they move, talk, and express themselves. He was lean, brown skin and his hair was unlike any style I’ve ever seen. Whether the front was shaved or grown out with locks that pointed every which way, he was unique during his physical existence and misunderstood as well.
While discussing the artist with another friend, I was at the grocery store purchasing a few items whens the cashier heard “child-like art” and immediately said “Jean Michele Basquiat.” I smiled and nodded. He then told me about a current artist, who is a fellow Chicago resident and have a few pieces downtown: Hebru Brantley. His work is creating quite a big buzz as I remember his piece being in a picture rapper Nicki Minaj had taken on Instagram.

Instead of sharing controversial, somewhat disheartening news during Black History Month, let’s learn something new and rediscover ourselves as we uncover ourselves. Meet the late artist Jean Michele Basquiat. Also visit artist of the now, Hebru Brantley’s website and be enlightened.
This video documents the rise and take off of Jean Michele Basquiat. Enjoy!