The circumstances surrounding a Wisconsin youth’s tragic death have drawn comparisons to the Trayvon Martin case, and outrage from community members.

20 year-old Bo Morrison was attending an underage drinking party when the police were called. The party goers fled, and Morrison hid on the back porch of a neighboring home. The homeowner, Adam Kind, heard noises, grabbed his shotgun, and approached the porch. Mistaking Morrison for a dangerous intruder, Kind shot him once in the chest, killing him.

Adam Kind has not been charged with a crime in relation to the shooting. Community members are outraged, but Kind is protected under the “Castle Doctrine,” which protects homeowners from prosecution under such circumstances.

Like Florida’s controversial “Stand Your Ground” law, many are demanding justice for Bo Morrison, and a repeal of the Castle Doctrine.

From HLN:

“Calls for justice rang out immediately. ‘He took one bullet and killed my son,’ the victim’s mother, Lauri Morrison said, WISN reported.

A petition on seeks 10,000 signatures to ask Wisconsin lawmakers to repeal the ‘Castle Doctrine.’ Supporters of the Wisconsin victim have staged several rallies to draw attention to the incident. Images of the Tuesday demonstration in Madison were posted on Twitter.

Mastantuno Law Office, which represents the homeowner, released a statement last week condemning attacks on the character of their client, Adam Kind.”

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Click here to sign a petition calling for the repeal of the Castle Doctrine.

Was Adam Kind justified in shooting Bo Morrison?

Should the Castle Doctrine be repealed?

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