Black Life Everywhere
Gender & Sexuality
Being a bi grey asexual means continually redefining desire away from limiting social constructs
How Black Mirror’s “Striking Vipers” episode failed bisexual men & trans women
What do you do when childhood trauma makes you close off from the care you need to heal it?
On being queer and mourning the loss of straight male friendships
Feature: Grassroots organization BYP100 uses “radical inclusion” to combat racial injustice
In and out of the closet: Rejecting the heteronormative binary of “coming out”
It took a global pandemic, but the original spirit of Pride is finally being honored
A self-harm resource list
These 2 films reveal the powerful ways Black queer women find pleasure despite heteronormative violence
Why bisexual people don’t owe anyone disclosure of their sexuality
Why Black LGBTQ+ people get upset when our most prominent people show up with white partners
Loving trans and non-binary folks doesn’t make you a radical
Somewhere over the rainbow: Reading the Pride symbol as a queering of the Bible
Chills down my spinal degeneration: Why we need Black queer disabled kink
In a world where my parents let me be as free as Dwyane Wade & Gabrielle Union let Zaya
Black queer people were never #allJussieSmollett
In defense of The Gay Agenda: Reimagining life without cis-heteros
2nd Black gay man has died in the home of prominent liberal donor and white gay “ally” Ed Buck
Queering Kwanzaa: How the seven principles remind me of QTPOC power
Your perfect work record won’t protect you if you’re Black and don’t stay in your place
On being too queer and not queer enough: Finding space for my asexuality
The story of Black queer women imprisoned for defending themselves to reminds us this criminal system cannot save us
Queer isn’t who you are, it’s how you reclaim freedom. And even the gayest of us sometimes fail at it
My queerness won’t let me give up on my queerphobic Black parents
Black youth need more than public health strategies that read sexuality as diseased and immoral
The rage felt so good, until it didn’t: The difficulty of cutting off abusive family members
Working through anti-Black ideas around HIV while my partner is HIV positive
Black LGBTQ activists convicted on six of eight charges for Columbus Pride protests
It’s not just straight men: We all have to reckon with internalized femmephobia in the wake of #MeToo
Luther Vandross hid for his mama: The closet is not only for the self-hating and selfish
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