The Dark Continent: Who Are You? "We Are The Poor"
This is for the mother in Langa that walked three blocks to boil water over an open fire, not in her house, but near her house to cook for her children. This is for the child on the south side of Chicago that takes a bus and two trains twice a day to get an education that only half guarantees him to get into a college that he will be properly prepared to attend. This is for the teacher in DC and the teacher in Khayelitsha, who are underpaid, overworked, and not appreciated. This is for the Guguletu Seven, who were murdered in the name of protest. This is for Fred Hampton, who was murdered in the name of protest. This if for the torn down bathrooms built in South African townships that had no walls, of respectability. This is for the burnt tires and the lit mattresses that become symbols of the lack of water, and healthcare, and education that is received by those who are marginalized in communities that have been forgotten in the minds politicians between election periods.