45 aims at athletes, gets called “u bum,” and inspires more peaceful protests

Photo credit: UNLV Free Press/ Flickr
As millions of Puerto Rican Americans reeled, along with U.S. Virgin Islanders, from Hurricane Maria’s wrath and a busier-than-usual extreme hurricane season, President Donald Trump aka 45 did the Trumpian thing. Mantrums.
This time, 45 blended a problematic in-person address in Huntsville, Alabama with dog whistling racial tweets about dissenting Black professional athletes. He also tacitly dissed mamas – because a man who championed grabbing women by their private parts cannot be expected to do much more.
“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these N.F.L. owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out, he’s fired,’” Trump asked Alabama listeners.
The United States President also pretend dis-invited N.B.A. champion team, the Golden State Warriors, from the White House via Twitter. He tweeted, “Going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team. Stephen Curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn!”
Trump’s thumb-thugging and tongue-wagging inspired the ire of both Lebron James and Teresa Kaepernick, Colin Kaepernick’s mother.
“U bum @StephenCurry30 already said he ain’t going! So therefore ain’t no invite,” James tweeted. “Going to White House was a great honor until you showed up!” As of press time, more than 1 million users liked his tweet.
“Guess that makes me a proud bitch!” Teresa Kaepernick tweeted. As of press time, more than 180,000 users liked her tweet.
Social media is not the ideal, lone space for a president to project policy ideas. Twitter, a medium for 140 characters or less, works for witticisms. It’s terrifying that Trump, who also made history for declining daily briefings, often resorts to misspelled hashtags and exclamatory e-statements instead of reasoned discussion and decision-making.
RELATED: Trump pokes the bear that is North Korea with latest tweets
President Trump’s decision to quickly focus his lips and thumbs – not on Black and Brown citizens without power and amidst massive structural damage in American territories in the Caribbean – but on Black athletes who dared express displeasure with their communities’ routine targeting is unacceptable.
When Trump encouraged professional team owners, largely white men, to silence the peaceful political speech of Black male players, the president reinforced an order that teaches Black folks to be bodies without minds. This order tells Black athletes to accept payment and a lowly position. Of course, Trump, and many of his backers, hold unreasonable expectations for Black professional athletes with a modicum of socio-political awareness. In Trump’s world, money, or the appearance thereof, is God. So, Black professional athletes are expected to treat any compensation, for their physically traumatic and broadly lucrative line of work, like hush money.
As of late September 2017, police killed 204 Black people, that we know of, per Mapping Police Violence. Police killed at least 309 Black people the same year many white Americans resoundingly elected, and professional team owners financially contributed to, Trump. Yet, despite Trump’s wilted weekend protests of the protests and shortly after the “dotard” chin-check from North Korea’s leader, peaceful American political speech multiplied Sunday.