Black Woman Receives Death Threats For “America Was Never Great” Hat

Krystal Lake, 22, is one of many Americans that doesn’t support the idea of Donald Trump having a realistic chance at becoming president. To express that, she wore a hat to work at a Staten Island Home Depot that read “America Was Never Great.”
According to SILive, Lake is now receiving multiple death threats after a photo was taken of her wearing the hat on the job and went viral.
“The point of the hat was to say America needs changing and improvement,” Lake said. “I don’t think it’s a positive message to say, ‘Let’s look to the past.’ ”
Lake reportedly woke up this past Wednesday morning to calls from friends and co-workers asking if she’d seen herself become an overnight viral target for many Trump supporters.
“Everyone kept asking me if I was on Facebook or Twitter, which I hadn’t been,” Lake said, “and then I saw how many people were sharing [the picture] and that it was going viral. I was honestly shocked — I didn’t expect any of this to happen.”
Home Depot made a statement concerning the situation, but Lake has accusations of possible hypocrisy on the part of her employer.
“We appreciate and understand the concerns of our loyal customers,” Home Depot spokesman Stephan Holmes said. “In terms of the message, our associates are not permitted to wear items that reflect political statements. Unfortunately, no one on our management team saw her wearing the hat — otherwise, they would have had her remove it immediately.”
“For the past two months, there have been a few people I work with wearing ‘Vote for Trump’ pins on their uniforms,” Lake said. “But no one ever says anything to them.”
Lake says she plans to continue wearing the hat that seems to have brought her all of this attention as of late.
“People have been saying really racist things to me and that they’re going to come and find me,” she continued, “and that what I said is disgraceful and I hate America — but I don’t hate America. I know there are a lot of opportunities here,” Lake added. “I just wish we would worry about making America better — not ‘great again.'”
Photo Courtesy: Twitter