Brianna Brochu, white student who “poisoned” Black roommate, arrested & suspended from Hartford University

Roomate from Hell, the demon Brochu, Domestic terrorist, Brianna Brochu. Photo Credit: West Hartford Police Department Photo Source: West Hartford Police Department
After a month and a half of being admittedly inhospitable and criminally unsanitary, and then a two-week “investigation” into her terrorizing actions, Brianna Brochu was finally arrested and charged with two misdemeanors after “poisoning” her Black roommate. In addition, the West Hartford Police Department says it is also still pursuing charges against Brochu for felony intimidation based on bigotry or bias.
Even though the University of Hartford has asserted that it had taken immediate action, Chennel “Jazzy” Rowe, the Black student at the center of this entire ordeal, tells a different story. Rowe alleges that when she first came forward, the university essentially gave her a non-disclosure agreement. She was not supposed to talk to anyone about the incident or the (non) investigation. Rowe finally broke her silence and went on a rant on Facebook, which alleged, among other things, questions of a racial double standard by the school.
Colleges are known to just sweep issues that happen within the campus under the rug, making the issue disappear and not doing anything about it,” Rowe says. “As a African American woman I have to fight for myself and others to not become some statistic […] And the fact I’m black and my old roommate was white, if the roles was switched […] I want to know if it would be handled the same way? I damn well know it wouldn’t.
Rowe is well within her rights to question the proceedings of her university, as people have been killed based on the vindictive actions of white women in this country, what to speak of the fact that she was continually made sick as a result of the devil she lived with attempting to intimidate her into moving out.
The university has made no comments regarding reimbursing Rowe for what she paid for medicines to treat what doctors could only call “some type of bad bacteria” located in the back of her throat.
Black Twitter, as usual, was on the case instead, creating a hashtag #JusticeforJazzy which in turn created more public dialogue and targeted the University of Hartford to respond in a more substantial way. This more than likely led to their decision to expel Brochu from the campus, because no university president likes to see their university’s image tarnished in the public eye. Even though this action against Brochu was likely influenced by a desire to save the university’s public reputation, it was an action that needed to happen and an action that should have happened sooner.
Here’s to hoping that felony charge sticks and the judge is not moved by salty white tears.