GOP Senators Block Elizabeth Warren’s Reading Of Coretta Scott King’s Letter In Opposition To Sessions

Elizabeth Warren has had a major turnaround in regards to her public perception among liberals. Just weeks ago, she was part of a senate committee that unanimously approved Ben Carson to become the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Now, she’s become a symbol for Anti-Trump sentiment after she was silenced by Republic senators during a debate.
To be more specific, Warren was reading from the now famous letter Coretta Scott King wrote more than 30 years ago to point out Sen. Jeff Sessions attacks on the rights of black citizens in his home state of Alabama.
GOP senators quickly silenced Warren by claiming that she was violating Senate rules of impugning a fellow senator. The accusation stood after it went to a vote that went down party lines.
“They can shut me up, but they can’t change the truth,” Warren later told CNN‘s Don Lemon.
I will not be silent about a nominee for AG who has made derogatory & racist comments that have no place in our justice system.
— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 8, 2017
I will not be silent while the Republicans rubber stamp an AG who will never stand up to the @POTUS when he breaks the law.
— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 8, 2017
Tonight @SenateMajLdr silenced Mrs King's voice on the Sen floor – & millions who are afraid & appalled by what's happening in our country.
— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 8, 2017
Warren has now been barred from participating in the discussions leading up to the vote on whether or not Sessions will become the next Attorney General.
However, the situation soon took a turn as Warren being silenced inspired other Democratic senators who have chosen to each read part of Scott King’s letter in an act of solidarity. #LetLizSpeak even began to trend on social media at one point last night.
“I never ever saw a time when a member of the Senate asked to put into the record a letter — especially by a civil rights icon — and somebody objected,” said Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont.
Republican senators silencing @SenWarren because she quoted a letter from Coretta Scott King in opposition to Jeff Sessions is outrageous.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) February 8, 2017
Thank you @SenSherrodBrown. Coretta Scott King will not be silenced.
— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 8, 2017
Many thanks to @SenatorTomUdall for reading Coretta Scott King’s letter on the Senate floor.
— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 8, 2017
The vote on Sessions’ appointment is expected to be reached on Wednesday. It is not yet clear whether Republicans’ decision to block Warren’s speech will help or hurt Sessions’ chances. But it is expected that he will be approved as Democrats didn’t have the votes they needed going into their planned protest last night.
Photo Credit: Wiki Commons