Governor of Minnesota suggests naming police training fund after Philando Castile

The governor of Minnesota is aiming to get the damage control started a year after Philando Castile was killed by Officer Jeronimo Yanez and weeks after Yanez was acquitted. Gov. Mark Dayton announced that he’d like to name the state’s Police Officer Standards and Training Board after Castile, according to MPR.
The fund was approved by state legislature earlier this year and is meant to prepare police officers to properly interact with citizens in diverse areas. In other words, it’s meant to help them be less panicky and trigger happy in communities of color.
“I’ve been on police ride-alongs, and the way some people treat police who are there for their safety and protection is just really appalling,” Dayton told reporters. “We all need to broaden our understanding that we’re all human beings and we’re not de-marked by our race or the color of our uniform.”
RELATED: Footage of Philando Castile’s fatal traffic stop released
He went on to call Castile’s death “one of the very most traumatic events that has occurred in my six-and-a-half years as governor of Minnesota; it’s had long-lasting traumatic effects on so many people.”
This trend is getting to be too much. States and local governments do everything to repair the damaged relationships between police and the communities they serve except for the most important one – holding everyone accountable.
While we’ve yet to see officers convicted for the unjust killings of black people, either filmed or not, we almost always see the victims’ families reach a wrongful death settlement and local politicians talk about how traumatic the incident was. What that tells me is that they’re willing to own up to a wrong as long as no one has to go to jail for it.