Noose Found Hanging In Front Of Florida Middle School

Students at Gotha Middle School knew something was wrong when they arrived for class and saw a rope hanging outside. It was tied into a noose and left for all to see.
They may not have known exactly what it was, but the students knew something was wrong and notified a teacher.
Local authorities are looking into who placed the noose and are investigating what their motives may have been. At this time, the Orange County Sherrif’s Office isn’t treating the act as a crime, according to the Orlando Sentinel.
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“The person or persons responsible for this will be prosecuted to the full extent of law,” Principal Patrice Knowles said in a message to parents. “This type of incident will not be tolerated on any Orange County Public Schools campus.”
To many, nooses are seen as intentional symbols of racism and hate given their connection to the hundreds of lynchings that occurred in the United States.